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Dependencias inversas para rdf-xsd La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rdf-xsd

rdf 3.3.1

RDF.rb is a pure-Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.

3.077.965 Descargas

json-ld 3.3.1

JSON::LD parses and serializes JSON-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction an...

2.300.830 Descargas

rdf-rdfxml 3.3.0

RDF::RDFXML is an RDF/XML reader and writer for the RDF.rb library suite.

909.568 Descargas

rdf-rdfa 3.3.0

RDF::RDFa is an RDFa reader/writer for Ruby using the RDF.rb library suite.

901.535 Descargas

sparql 3.3.1

SPARQL Implements SPARQL 1.1 Query, Update and result formats for the Ruby RDF.rb libra...

747.198 Descargas

rdf-microdata 3.3.0

Reads HTML Microdata as RDF.

655.239 Descargas

linkeddata 3.3.1

A metadistribution of RDF.rb including a full set of parsing/serialization plugins.

649.576 Descargas

rdf-trix 3.3.0

RDF.rb extension for parsing/serializing TriX data.

590.337 Descargas

rdf-reasoner 0.9.0

Reasons over RDFS/OWL vocabularies to generate statements which are entailed based on b...

544.579 Descargas

rdf-tabular 3.3.0

RDF::Tabular processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output.

504.745 Descargas

ld-patch 3.3.0

Implements the W3C Linked Data Patch Format and operations for RDF.rb. Makes use of...

446.402 Descargas

shex 0.8.0

Implements ShExC and ShEx JSON.

422.541 Descargas

shacl 0.4.1

SHACL is an Shape Constraint engine for the Ruby RDF.rb library suite.

243.151 Descargas

yaml-ld 0.0.3

YAML_LD parses and serializes YAML-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction and...

108.436 Descargas

yaml-ld 0.0.3

YAML_LD parses and serializes YAML-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction and...

108.436 Descargas

rdf-ldp 2.1.0

Implements a Linked Data Platform domain model, Rack middleware for server implementers...

68.863 Descargas

openbel-api 1.2.12

The OpenBEL API provides a RESTful API over HTTP to manage BEL knowledge.

46.086 Descargas

rof 1.2.10

Raw Object Format

21.207 Descargas

yowl 0.4.2

Yet another OWL documentor. YOWL is a command line utility that can read a number of RD...

11.554 Descargas

alchemy-concept-extractor 0.1.1

Extracts concepts for a given URI from the Alchemy API (

4.354 Descargas

obix 0.0.1

oBIX parser

3.801 Descargas

rdf-csv 0.0.0

RDF::CSV processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output.

3.235 Descargas

yarspg 0.1.0

YARSPG is an YARS-PG reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite.

2.842 Descargas

Total de descargas 922.255

Para esta versión 22.328



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
