RubyGems Navigation menu

rcov 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rcov

event_calendar_engine 0.2.15

Provides basic event management features with versioned history of changes.

98,266 下载

rails-sh 1.5.2

The Rails Shell to execute sub commands of rails quickly.

97,269 下载

prefetch-rspec 0.1.5

Prefetch initialize phase before run rspec

96,925 下载

dynport_tools 0.2.22

Collection of various tools

96,323 下载

ruby_css_lint 0.1.0

Wraps up the CSS lint tool from into a gem

92,700 下载

xmpp4r-simple 0.8.8

Jabber::Simple takes the strong foundation laid by xmpp4r and hides the relatively high...

91,469 下载

uzuuzu-core 0.1.15

uzuuzu core library

91,435 下载

ticketmaster-lighthouse 0.8.0

Allows ticketmaster to interact with Lighthouse's issue tracking system.

90,964 下载

dust-generators 0.3.3

Generators such as Uploadify Albums and Photos, and Location or facilities

90,554 下载

generator-spec 0.7.8

RSpec 2 library to facilitate creating generator specs

89,449 下载

ns_service_pack 0.1.8

abstract some common pattern to service pack

89,166 下载

config_context 0.8.1

A library for help to configure applications

88,608 下载

artisan 0.5.4

Make calls to the Artisan API.

86,049 下载

auto_cron 0.1.16

Generate a crontab

85,432 下载

custom-attributes 0.2.27

Easy management of extra model attributes. Can store fields in the model if provided

84,574 下载

soapbox 0.3.1

manage pages, users, permissions, settings, analytics, files, users, and extend

82,562 下载

metrical 0.1.0

MetricFu is awesome! The only problem is that it's kinda obtrusive. Metrical provides a...

82,439 下载

imw 0.3.0

Infinite Monkey Wrench - A framework to make collecting and parsing data fun again.

82,291 下载

schofield 0.3.1

longer description of your gem

77,446 下载

s3backup 0.8.8

backup tool to Amazon S3 with compressed and crypt.

77,031 下载

cuken 0.1.22

Reusable Cucumber steps and API for post-convergence system integration descriptions

75,232 下载


Make your Mongoid model acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilitie...

75,113 下载

mongo_odm 0.2.20

mongo_odm is a flexible persistence module for any Ruby class to MongoDB.

74,541 下载

mongo_odm 0.2.20

mongo_odm is a flexible persistence module for any Ruby class to MongoDB.

74,541 下载

ourkudos 0.0.38

OurKudos client api gem

73,946 下载

wc 0.99.0

your ruby word counter experience

73,687 下载

dark-capistrano-recipes 0.8.4

Extend the Capistrano gem with these useful recipes

73,156 下载

tampon 1.1.3

An unrestictive way to deploy using gitflow and capistrano

72,921 下载

tenacity 0.6.0

Tenacity provides a database client independent way of specifying simple relationships ...

72,414 下载


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

71,494 下载

下载总量 2,582,998

这个版本 485,216


需要的 Ruby 版本:
