Dépendances inversées pour rcov Latest version of the following gems require rcov
right_aws 3.1.0
== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
11 279 071 Téléchargements
soap4r-ruby1.9 2.0.5
Ruby 1.9.2 compatible soap4r library
6 909 020 Téléchargements
hash-deep-merge 0.1.1
This gem add the "deep merge" feature to class Hash. It means that if you want to merge...
4 380 864 Téléchargements
cpf_faker 1.3.0
Generates brazilian CPF and CNPJ numbers for use in testing. Great to be used alongside...
2 893 242 Téléchargements
openvas-omp 0.0.4
Communicate with OpenVAS manager through OMP. This library is used for communication w...
2 548 249 Téléchargements
querystring 0.1.0
Flexible querystring generator
2 363 054 Téléchargements
machinist 2.0
Fixtures aren't fun. Machinist is.
1 991 913 Téléchargements
i18n_yaml_sorter 0.2.0
Allows you to deep sort YAML files that are mainly composed of \ nested hashes an...
1 355 130 Téléchargements
amazon-ec2 0.9.17
A Ruby library for accessing the Amazon Web Services EC2, ELB, RDS, Cloudwatch, and Aut...
1 185 293 Téléchargements
taps 0.3.24
A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.
1 005 669 Téléchargements
attribute-kit 0.2.0
Tools for attribute tracking like Hashes with dirty tracking and events, for building h...
571 067 Téléchargements
wistia-api 0.2.3
A ruby library for working with Wistia's data API.
570 553 Téléchargements
muck-engine 3.5.0
The base engine for the muck system. Contains common tables, custom for, css and javas...
466 461 Téléchargements
git-smart 0.1.11
Installs some additional 'smart' git commands, like `git smart-pull`.
463 720 Téléchargements
geokit-rails3 0.1.5
Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3, as a gem
419 958 Téléchargements
wepay-rails 2.6.0
Rails gem that interfaces with the WePay API
410 532 Téléchargements
statsmix 1.0.0
A Ruby gem for the StatsMix API - http://www.statsmix.com/developers
348 211 Téléchargements
capones_recipes 1.20.1
A collection of usefull capistrano recipes used by CyT GmbH and others.
329 319 Téléchargements
caldecott-client 0.0.2
Caldecott Client HTTP/Websocket Tunneling Library
319 179 Téléchargements
uri-handler 1.0.2
Nothing fancy going on here, this module is just a wrapper around the function CGI::esc...
314 303 Téléchargements
igo-ruby 0.1.5
Ruby port of Igo Japanese morphological analyzer. Igo-ruby needs Igo's binary dictionar...
305 332 Téléchargements
newrelic_api 1.2.4
Use this gem to access New Relic application information via a REST api
291 945 Téléchargements
restclient_with_cert 0.0.8
RestClient with embedded cert
266 964 Téléchargements
sweetloader 0.1.6
sweet autoloading using file structure conventions while allowing configuration overrid...
263 808 Téléchargements
FakeWeb 1.1.2
A test helper that makes it simple to test HTTP interaction
261 062 Téléchargements
rumbster 1.1.1
Rumbster is a simple SMTP server that receives email sent from a SMTP client. Received ...
258 528 Téléchargements
safely 0.3.2
Safely run your code in a loving error reporting embrace
256 874 Téléchargements
clarity_tracking_number 0.0.1
Clarity tracking number generator
256 326 Téléchargements
chingu 0.8.1
OpenGL accelerated 2D game framework for Ruby. Builds on Gosu (Ruby/C++) which provides...
243 020 Téléchargements
bookyt_projects 1.1.2
This plugin extends bookyt with project management functionality.
239 939 Téléchargements