RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rcov La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rcov

let 0.1.3

Same as RSpec's let

66.394 Descargas

responsive_image_tag 0.3.0

Allows you to specify two images in a responsive_image_tag, and includes a javascript g...

65.982 Descargas

rails-app-spec 0.5.0

RSpec 2 matchers to help spec the structure and content of your Rails 3 app

65.746 Descargas

gidget 0.3.0

Gidget is a minimalist blog engine designed to run on Heroku with a Git-based workflow.

65.487 Descargas

awesome_flags 2.2.1

Outputs keys used in the FlagShihTzu setup. Can be filtered by column for models with m...

65.481 Descargas

esendex4soap 0.8.0

thanks to savon library

65.055 Descargas

stuff-classifier 0.5

2 methods are provided for now - (1) naive bayes implementation + (2) tf-idf weights

64.678 Descargas

sklik-api 0.1.6

Sklik advertising PPC api for creating campaigns and updating them when they runs

64.675 Descargas

wherever-positions 0.5.1

Allow Store of positions by multiple keys with teh option to mark specific points in ti...

64.643 Descargas

Fboauth2 0.1.0

simple facebook auth

64.097 Descargas

mail_engine 0.1.15

Rails system mail management solution.

63.524 Descargas

ticketmaster-kanbanpad 0.6.0

Allows ticketmaster to interact with kanbanpad.

63.313 Descargas

ticketmaster-trac 0.5.6

Allows ticketmaster to interact with Your System.

62.971 Descargas


Get IP and location data using - can also calculate of distance between ...

62.234 Descargas

governor 0.5.7

Because Blogojevich would be too tough to remember. It's a pluggable blogging system fo...

61.379 Descargas

preact 1.1.1

API library to allow you to connect and submit messages and actions to Preact

61.159 Descargas

crb 1.0.1

A cucumber console that offers cucumber world enviroment on irb

59.796 Descargas

devise_suspendable 0.6.1

Has a user left the organisation? Or maybe the account created was bogus? Remove access...

59.667 Descargas

bio-svgenes 0.4.1

This bio-gem facilitates the creation of pretty, publication quality SVG images from fe...

59.582 Descargas

ShyCouch 0.7.4

Ruby API for CouchDB, designed to work with the Camping micro-framework.

59.385 Descargas

talentbox-sequel-rails 0.3.10

Integrate Sequel with Rails 3

58.896 Descargas

bd_money 0.0.14

This library makes it easier to deal with Money values, storing them as BigDecimal to a...

58.813 Descargas

kissmetrics 2.0.0

Use the KISSmetrics HTTP API to identify and alias users, track events, and set propert...

58.109 Descargas

andhapp-decoct 1.9.9

Sinatra Rspec project generator

58.082 Descargas

moneybook 0.3.1

keep track of money in a group

57.956 Descargas

seedbed 1.1.1

Manage seeds in individual files in db/seeds/

57.924 Descargas


It scrape movies and mylists of Niconico douga.

57.825 Descargas

pry-padrino 0.1.2

A Padrino wrapper that helps integrate the IRB alternative Pry.

57.796 Descargas

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57.048 Descargas

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57.048 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.583.320

Para esta versión 485.244



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
