rb-notifu 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rb-notifu
miyuki 0.5.10
Miyuki downloads automatically every episode of anime you're watching
42,955 下載
rattler 0.6.0
Simple language recognition tool for Ruby based on packrat parsing
31,168 下載
dietary_dsl 0.5.4
Esta gema sirve para realizar una representación de menús dietéticos usando un lenguaje...
21,423 下載
developwithpassion_expander 0.0.4
Automation utitlity that I use to support cross platform file maintenance
15,707 下載
microstation 0.8.7
Wrapping of microstation using win32ole to automate and control from ruby
10,955 下載
develry 0.0.3
A metagem for ROM-style development
7,254 下載