Dépendances inversées pour rb-notifu Latest version of the following gems require rb-notifu
miyuki 0.5.10
Miyuki downloads automatically every episode of anime you're watching
42 955 Téléchargements
rattler 0.6.0
Simple language recognition tool for Ruby based on packrat parsing
31 168 Téléchargements
dietary_dsl 0.5.4
Esta gema sirve para realizar una representación de menús dietéticos usando un lenguaje...
21 423 Téléchargements
developwithpassion_expander 0.0.4
Automation utitlity that I use to support cross platform file maintenance
15 707 Téléchargements
microstation 0.8.7
Wrapping of microstation using win32ole to automate and control from ruby
10 955 Téléchargements
develry 0.0.3
A metagem for ROM-style development
7 254 Téléchargements