RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rake Latest version of the following gems require rake

uuidtools 2.2.0

A simple universally unique ID generation library.

77 509 000 Téléchargements

rotp 6.3.0

Works for both HOTP and TOTP, and includes QR Code provisioning

77 487 657 Téléchargements

deep_merge 1.2.2

Recursively merge hashes.

77 225 829 Téléchargements

faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4 1.0.1

Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4.

75 997 692 Téléchargements

simctl 1.6.10

Ruby interface to xcrun simctl

75 993 174 Téléchargements

xcpretty 0.3.0

Xcodebuild formatter designed to be piped with `xcodebuild`, and thus keeping 100% ...

75 945 003 Téléchargements

get_process_mem 0.2.7

Get memory usage of a process in Ruby

75 769 079 Téléchargements

cucumber 9.2.0

Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy

75 633 744 Téléchargements

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

74 573 301 Téléchargements

molinillo 0.8.0

Provides support for dependency resolution

73 691 330 Téléchargements

capistrano 3.19.1

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

73 658 739 Téléchargements

akami 1.3.3

Building Web Service Security

73 456 789 Téléchargements

gli 2.21.1

Build command-suite CLI apps that are awesome. Bootstrap your app, add commands, optio...

72 987 634 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-elasticsearch 5.4.3

Elasticsearch output plugin for Fluent event collector

72 841 238 Téléchargements

redis-rails 5.0.2

Redis for Ruby on Rails

72 360 169 Téléchargements

rqrcode 2.2.0

rqrcode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple interface allows you to create Q...

71 997 964 Téléchargements

savon 2.15.0

Heavy metal SOAP client

71 758 702 Téléchargements

roo 2.10.1

Roo can access the contents of various spreadsheet files. It can handle * OpenOffice * ...

70 920 140 Téléchargements

xcpretty-travis-formatter 1.0.1

Formatter for xcpretty customized to provide pretty output on TravisCI

70 879 465 Téléchargements

doorkeeper 5.7.1

Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape.

70 252 703 Téléchargements

fog-google 1.24.1

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Goo...

70 181 197 Téléchargements

fog-local 0.8.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...

70 004 966 Téléchargements

security 0.1.5

Interact with the macOS Keychain

69 815 334 Téléchargements

hiredis 0.6.3

Ruby wrapper for hiredis (protocol serialization/deserialization and blocking I/O)

69 807 969 Téléchargements

hiredis 0.6.3

Ruby wrapper for hiredis (protocol serialization/deserialization and blocking I/O)

69 807 969 Téléchargements

bootboot 0.2.2

This gem remove the overhead of monkeypatching your Gemfile in order to dualboot your a...

69 121 785 Téléchargements

cork 0.3.0

A delightful CLI UI module.

68 153 562 Téléchargements

no_proxy_fix 0.1.2

A fix for a no_proxy bug:

67 898 688 Téléchargements

claide-plugins 0.9.2

This CLAide plugin shows information about all available CLAide plugins ...

67 888 298 Téléchargements

webdrivers 5.3.1

Run Selenium tests more easily with install and updates for all supported webdrivers.

67 856 418 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 883 878 855

Pour cette version 18 892 504



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3
