rack-cors 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rack-cors
forest_liana 9.10.6
Forest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. forest_liana...
2,351,829 下載
grape-swagger-representable 0.2.2
Grape swagger adapter to support representable object parsing
1,673,440 下載
slack-ruby-bot-server 2.1.1
A Grape API serving a Slack bot to multiple teams.
521,319 下載
fanforce-plugin-factory 1.6.1
Everything needed to setup a new plugin on Fanforce
307,158 下載
decidim-api 0.29.2
API engine for decidim
297,537 下載
grpc-web 1.2.1
Host gRPC-Web endpoints for Ruby gRPC services in a Rack or Rails app(over HTTP/1.1). C...
275,596 下載
mihari 8.1.0
A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
198,290 下載
grape-app 0.11.3
Standalone Grape API apps
131,187 下載
apicasso 0.7.3
Create APIs in a fast and dynamic way, without the need to develop everything from scra...
110,570 下載
thecore_api 1.5.12
The base of all the apis.
93,443 下載
jobshop 0.0.179
An Open Source Manufacturing Execution System
92,352 下載
lurker 1.0.0
The new de-facto for API testing your Rails application
91,851 下載
odania 0.2.0
Odania Base Helper
88,480 下載
uffizzi_core 2.4.10
79,262 下載
ki 0.4.12
it said optional
73,142 下載
shutterbug 0.5.9
A rack utility that will create and save images (pngs) for a part of your web page'...
70,040 下載
model_driven_api 3.2.11
Ruby on Rails REST APIs built by convention using the DB schema as the foundation, plea...
64,039 下載
lanes 0.8.3
Lanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...
56,616 下載
ibrain-core 0.5.15
Its Core is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.
56,089 下載
safrano 0.8.4
Safrano is an OData server library
55,649 下載
cassandra-web 0.5.0
Apache Cassandra web interface using Ruby, Event-machine, AngularJS, Server-Sent-Events...
55,210 下載
landable 1.14.0
Landing page storage, rendering, tracking, and management API
53,554 下載
fakeit 0.11.0
Create mock server from Openapi specification
52,466 下載
remotty-rails 0.1.3
token based authentication and more useful library..
51,372 下載
test_server 0.5.2
Test server for proxies
50,161 下載
openbel-api 1.2.12
The OpenBEL API provides a RESTful API over HTTP to manage BEL knowledge.
48,849 下載
shogun 6.4.2
The core library for an HTTP API framework
47,582 下載
swagui 0.5.4
A rack-based swagger-ui middleware and commandline utility.
40,356 下載
t2_airtime 0.6.0
Wrapper methods to interface with [TransferTo](https://www.transfer-to.com/home) Airtim...
39,953 下載
railspp 0.4.2
Scaffolding your CRUD operations
36,236 下載