RubyGems Navigation menu

pry-rescue 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 pry-rescue

devise-security 0.18.0

An enterprise security extension for devise.

15,111,386 下載

remote_table 3.3.3

Open local or remote XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV (comma separated), TSV (tab separated), other ...

368,114 下載

camaleon_cms 2.9.0

Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...

347,096 下載

bumbleworks 0.0.93

Bumbleworks adds a workflow engine (via ruote[]) to yo...

280,077 下載

xcake 0.13.0

Cakefile — A Podfile for your main project. 🍰Describe Xcode projects in a human readabl...

193,644 下載

bitpay-key-utils 2.2.1905

Powerful, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the BitPay developers API

193,392 下載

webdriver 0.19.0


190,835 下載

bitpay-sdk 2.5.1905

Powerful, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the BitPay developers API

185,796 下載

roda-component 0.1.73

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

185,288 下載

eitil 2.0.9

Eitil (eitje utility) never stops increasing your life's efficacy and productivity, yay...

137,556 下載

wires 0.6.2

A lightweight, extensible asynchronous event routing framework in Ruby.

126,840 下載

deep_dive 0.3.7

When you have a system of objects that have many references to each other, it becomes a...

118,955 下載

smoke_detector 2.0.1

Provides a single interface for posting errors to multiple error reporting providers (A...

115,236 下載

lspace 0.14

Provides the convenience of global variables, without the safety concerns.

113,728 下載

acpc_poker_player_proxy 1.6.7

A smart proxy for a poker player that connects to the ACPC Dealer and manages match sta...

112,927 下載

acpc_dealer_data 1.0.0

ACPC Dealer data

107,483 下載

graphql-pundit 0.7.1

Pundit authorization support for graphql

100,156 下載

nrser 0.3.12

basic ruby utils i use in a lot of stuff.

98,409 下載

acpc_poker_match_state 2.2.1

Match state data manager.

90,111 下載

grade_runner 0.0.12

This gem runs your RSpec test suite and posts the JSON output to

87,197 下載

acpc_poker_basic_proxy 3.2.2

Basic proxy to connect to the ACPC Dealer.

86,117 下載

ansible-powerplay 1.4.7

Ansible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...

77,323 下載

pry-plus 1.0.0

pry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-debugger + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond + jist

71,359 下載

git-semaphore 3.1.0

command-line integration with for git repositories

69,987 下載

superbara 0.15.1

Better way to build Capybara tests

64,922 下載

hero 0.2.0

A simplified state machine.

63,735 下載

0mq 0.5.3

A Ruby-like wrapper for ffi-rzmq-core (ZeroMQ)

63,064 下載

software_challenge_client 23.0.2

Provides functions to build a client for the coding competition Software-Challenge Germ...

60,712 下載

git-multi 8.0.1

Run the same git command in a set of related repos

58,866 下載

pry-suite 1.2.0

pry-suite is designed to set up a nice Pry ecosystem out of the box. You are given Pry ...

57,983 下載

總下載次數 24,490,995

這個版本 1,410,524




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
