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pry-rescue 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 pry-rescue

ellington 0.3.0

An opinionated framework for modeling complex business processes.

52,800 下载

bitpay-client 2.5.1905

Powerful, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the BitPay developers API

49,148 下载

apidiesel 0.15

Build API clients through an expressive DSL

49,012 下载

HDRHistogram 0.1.11

HdrHistogram is an algorithm designed for recording histograms of value measurements wi...

43,842 下载

arel_toolkit 0.4.9

ArelToolkit contains parsing, querying, modifying, optimisations, extensions and more f...

43,787 下载

whos_dated_who 1.0.4

Unofficial API for

41,682 下载

developmentkit 0.2.2

standard gem set for development

40,857 下载

pry-plus-byebug 1.0.2

pry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-byebug + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond + jist

40,613 下载

hexx-suit 2.3.2

The module collects gems used for development and testing.

40,482 下载

data_maker 2.5.5

Data generation using yml files from different sources. This was originally forked from...

37,944 下载

collate 0.1.18

Add some DSL to your model, then run a single method in your controller, and your model...

37,470 下载

notifly 0.3.6

This project intend to offer a full notification system, back and front-end.

37,119 下载

wires-test 0.2.2

Testing convenience gem for the wires framework.

36,361 下载

kamelcase 0.0.2

This is a -- yet another -- super-simple monkeypatch of the String class to offer bot...

35,033 下载

rspec-matcher 0.1.5

RSpec Base Matcher implementation with automatic registration as a module.

34,701 下载

machine_learning_workbench 0.8.0

This workbench holds a collection of machine learning methods in Ruby. Rather than spec...

34,279 下载

eapi 0.7.1

ruby gem for building complex structures that will end up in hashes (initially devised ...

33,420 下载

keyword_init 1.5.0

Gem that provides a keyword argument based initialize method to a class, executing the ...

31,956 下载

iron_response 0.2.1

Provides a response object for IronWorker tasks.

31,601 下载

eye-of-newt 0.0.15

Parses natural ingredients (e.g. "1 1/2 pounds of potatoes, peeled") into usable parts.

30,412 下载

card-mod-monkey 0.17.0

dev support for mod developers (monkeys)

29,808 下载

rubyneat 0.5.3

RubyNEAT -- Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies for Ruby. By way of an enhanced...

29,555 下载

time_distribution 2.3.1

Gem for creating time distribution management systems

29,465 下载

consenter 1.0.6

Ask for consent for each element in an Enumerable

29,411 下载

semvergen 1.12.0

Interactive semantic version and gem publishing

29,403 下载

activerecord-redundancy 0.4.1

Quickly make a cache column in ActiveRecord, non painful

28,975 下载

pantograph 0.1.22

A way to automate your apps, forked from Fastlane

28,561 下载

myco 0.1.10

An experimental language on the Rubinius VM

27,199 下载

ca_postal_code 0.3.0

Guesses the Canadian province or territory (region) based on the postal code.

27,085 下载

pry-test 0.6.6

A small test framework that supports debugging test failures and errors when they happen.

27,074 下载

下载总量 22,324,474

这个版本 526,101



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
