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pre-commit 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 pre-commit

geokit 1.14.0

Geokit provides geocoding and distance calculation in an easy-to-use API

20,353,507 下载

paid_up 0.13.21

Allows a model of your choosing (such as users) to subscribe to a plan, which enables f...

179,184 下载

ovpnmcgen.rb 0.7.1

Generates iOS configuration profiles (.mobileconfig) that configures OpenVPN for use wi...

37,079 下载

postcode-anywhere 1.0.4

A number of fully-tested clients for interacting with all of the available postcode any...

25,220 下载

gazelle_styleguide 0.0.8

Gazelle's coding style guidelines and checks

22,266 下载

java-checkstyle 1.1.0

Checkstyle linter plugin for pre-commit. Useful for linting Java code.

12,714 下载

codeguard 0.3.0

code quest styleguide

8,334 下载

pre-commit-gpg 1.0.0

GPG verification plugin for jish/pre-commit

5,391 下载

pre-commit-closure-linter 0.0.2

Closure Linter plugin for jish/pre-commit

5,144 下载

clitest 0.1.1

ruby gem for test of cli.

4,013 下载

pre-commit-checkstyle 0.0.1

Checkstyle linter plugin for pre-commit. Useful for linting Java code.

3,396 下载

pre-commit-php 1.0.0

PHP plugin for jish/pre-commit

3,226 下载

flatiron-s3-uploader 0.1.2

A tool for resizing and uploading images to AWS S3

2,558 下载

emerald-lang 1.0.0

A language agnostic templating engine designed with event driven applications in mind.

2,500 下载

pre-commit-cucumber_focus 1.0.0

Finds cucumber scenarios with with specific tags (e.g. @focus)

2,342 下载

pre-commit-perl 0.1.0

Set pre-commit checks for Perl programming language

1,964 下载

fastlane-plugin-firebase_test_lab_integration 1.0.0

Run Android/iOS integration tests on Firebase Test Lab

491 下载

java-checkstyle-precommit 1.0.0

Checkstyle linter plugin for pre-commit. Useful for linting Java code.

416 下载

下载总量 1,831,629

这个版本 26,070



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
