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pg 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 pg

enju_nii 0.3.2

add nii_type attribute to Next-L Enju

61,800 下载

naf 2.1.13

A cloud based distributed cron, application framework and operations console. Naf works...

61,713 下载

activerecord-postgresql-citext 0.2.0

citext support for rails

61,660 下载

genealogy 2.7.2

Genealogy is a ruby gem library which extends ActiveRecord models in order to make its ...

61,560 下载

rtask-db-drop-connections 1.0.5

Add db:drop_connections rake task to Rails Application

61,406 下载

reports_kit 0.7.1

ReportsKit lets you easily create beautiful charts with customizable, interactive filters.

61,127 下载

timescaledb 0.3.0

Functions from timescaledb available in the ActiveRecord models.

60,996 下载

enju_inter_library_loan 0.2.0

Inter library loan management for Next-L Enju

60,765 下载

pg_migrate 0.1.14

Simple migration tool focused on Postgresql

59,977 下载

insights-api-common 5.0.7

Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insig...

59,849 下载

automatic_foreign_key 1.3.0

Automatic Foreign Key automatically generates foreign-key constraints when creating tab...

59,770 下载

viewy 0.7.0

Viewy is a tool for managing views and materialized views in Postgres from within a rai...

59,679 下载

pagelux 0.1.2

Basic pagination for ActiveRecord::Relation objects

59,657 下载

transaction_isolation_level 1.3.0

Adds :isolation_level option to ActiveRecord #transaction calls, as well as :minimum_is...

59,586 下载

eventifier 0.3.0

Tracks and logs events and sends notifications of events on Active Record models.

59,572 下载

rollout_postgres_store 0.0.1

Simple Postgres Hstore wrapper for Rollout gem.

59,565 下载

hq-graphql 2.2.4

OneHQ GraphQL Library

58,983 下载

refile-postgres 1.4.1

Postgres database as a backend for Refile. Uses "Large Objects". See https://www.postgr...

58,681 下载

active_git 0.0.10

DB and GIT synchronization via ActiveRecord and GitWrapper

58,680 下载

awesome_explain 1.0.1

AwesomeExplain provides the same APM level of query analysis under your development and...

57,707 下载

the_lone_dyno 1.0.0

Run code on only a certain number of Heroku dynos, isolated

57,150 下载

fluent-plugin-redshift 0.1.2

Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd

57,071 下载

chronological 0.0.9

Easy Accessors for ActiveModel Objects

56,441 下载

active_blog 0.9.0

ActiveBlog is a Rails Engine for Blogging

56,391 下载

event_store 0.2.9

["A Ruby implementation of an EventSource (A+ES) tuned for Vertica or Postgres"]

56,308 下载

postgres_upsert 5.1.0

Uses Postgres's powerful COPY command to upsert large sets of data into ActiveRecord ta...

56,298 下载

wcc-contentful 1.6.1

Contentful API wrapper library exposing an ActiveRecord-like interface

56,007 下载

rails_db_info 0.2.0

RailsDbInfo is a Rails engine that quickly shows the database info

55,986 下载

mass_insert 1.0.0

This gem aims to provide an easy and faster way to do single database insertions in Rails.

55,947 下载

hydra_attribute 0.5.1

hydra_attribute is an implementation of EAV pattern for ActiveRecord models.

55,843 下载

下载总量 327,410,670

这个版本 1,009,574




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
