RubyGems Navigation menu

parser 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 parser

method_parser 0.2.1

Uses the Parser gem to primarily return the defined methods for the class

12,461 下载


Find TODOs and compute debt size

11,655 下载

codescout-analyzer 0.0.4

No description for now, maybe later

11,527 下载

rails-annotate-solargraph 0.5.5

Annotate ActiveRecord models with schema comments formatted in YARD that are compatible...

11,468 下载

rubycritic-simplecov 4.1.1

RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...

11,407 下载

class_indexer 0.3.0

Reads ruby files in the current directory to produce a json index of methods and classe...

11,401 下载

gemfile_locker 0.4.0

GemfileLocker can lock all dependencies strictly or semi-strictly, so it gets safe to r...

11,046 下载

tweezer 0.2.0

Tweezer is a CLI to add, remove, and edit Gemfile dependencies in an automated way

10,954 下载

crypt_ident 0.2.7

Authentication module using BCrypt; initially Hanami-specific.

10,544 下载

castic 0.2.1

Static parser for Homebrew Cask formulae

10,541 下载

flood-capybara 0.0.4

Run your Capybara RSpec test cases on Flood IO

10,305 下载

who_am_i 0.0.6

Table schema reminders in the model

10,301 下载

rux 1.2.0

A jsx-inspired way to write view components.

10,169 下载

extract_i18n 0.6.2

Extact i18n from Ruby files using Ruby parser and slim files using regex interactively

10,150 下载

i18n-processes 0.1.5

i18n-processes helps you to synchronize your translation.

10,095 下载

rlang 0.6.0

Rlang is meant to create fast and uncluttered WebAssembly code from the comfort of ...

9,992 下载

cycromatic 0.1.3

Compute Cyclomatic Complexity of Ruby programs

9,979 下载

yardcheck 0.0.3

Verify that your YARD @param and @return types are correct

9,388 下载

prettyrb 0.5.0

Ruby source code formatter

8,913 下载

spektr 0.4.1

Rails static code analyzer for security issues

8,800 下载

zombie-killer 0.5

Translate YCP-like library calls (Ops.*, Builtins.*) to idiomatic Ruby

8,543 下载

erudite 0.3.0

Executable documentation.

8,459 下载

dead_code_terminator 0.5.0

Statically remove dead conditional branches, acts like webpack's DefinePlugin and minifier

8,458 下载

ladybug 0.1.3

Debug Ruby code using Chrome Devtools

8,403 下载

meta_commit_ruby_support 0.1.3

meta_commit extension adds ruby language support

8,125 下载

remote_ruby 0.2

Execute Ruby code on the remote servers from local Ruby script.

8,079 下载

hephaestus 0.6.1

Hephaestus is a Rails generator to create plugs for Yetto.

8,061 下载

qq 0.2.4

Improved puts debugging output for busy Ruby programmers.

7,883 下载

ruby_ast_visualizer 0.4.0

Ruby AST Visualizer.

7,800 下载

autoargs 0.1.2

Automatically parses command-line arguments

7,524 下载

下载总量 465,640,411

这个版本 233,475



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0.0
