RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for parse-cron Latest version of the following gems require parse-cron

sensu 1.9.0

A monitoring framework that aims to be simple, malleable, and scalable.

1,468,853 下載

sensu-settings 10.17.0

The Sensu settings library, loader and validator

831,635 下載

opennebula 6.8.3

Libraries needed to talk to OpenNebula

820,485 下載

rservicebus 0.1.77

A Ruby interpretation of NServiceBus

361,586 下載

uv-rays 2.4.7

Opinionated abstractions for Libuv

124,038 下載

rservicebus2 0.2.26

A Ruby interpretation of NServiceBus

73,008 下載

servicemonitor 0.3.0

The fastest way to reliably monitor your system.

70,106 下載

sidekiq-repeat 0.2.0

This gem adds recurring jobs to Sidekiq. It is heavily inspired by the sidekiq-dejavu a...

59,578 下載

tasks_scheduler 0.9.1

Scheduler for Rake tasks.

52,451 下載

minicron 0.7.11

A system to make it easier to manage and monitor cron jobs. Please note new versions ar...

51,015 下載

slacky 0.3.5

Carbon Five Slack bot gem

42,142 下載

lucid-cumulus 0.11.21

Cumulus allows you to manage your AWS infrastructure by creating JSON configuration fil...

41,664 下載

aebus 0.3.1

A tool to automate snapshot management in EC2

35,522 下載

data_collector 0.51.0

INPUT, FILTER, OUTPUT data with RULES and code

34,275 下載

skiplock 1.1.5

High performance ActiveJob Queue Adapter for PostgreSQL that provides maximum reliabili...

33,820 下載

servicesnapshot 0.1.2

The fastest way to get a snapshot of your system.

19,073 下載

qpush 0.1.10

Fast and simple job queue microservice for Ruby.

16,669 下載

em-cron 0.2.0

Simple Eventmachine library for running code on a schedule using the crontab syntax.

16,625 下載

sidekiq_schedulable 0.1.1

Schedule Cron style Sidekiq jobs

16,559 下載

sidekiq-dejavu 0.0.4

Dejavu uses Sidkiq's internal scheduling so it doesn't need its own clock and integrate...

14,528 下載

mobb 0.5.1

Mobb provides bot DSL

13,587 下載

nuntius 1.3.4

Messages are defined in editable liquid templates.

12,255 下載

whenever-delorean 0.2.1

Helper for integration testing. It helps you trigger your whener runners.

11,546 下載

aws_cron 0.1.4

AWS Elastic Beanstalk cron scheduling support

10,414 下載

datapipe 0.0.3

Helping to move data around your system

9,560 下載

schedule_job 1.0.7

job scheduler

8,157 下載

fluent-plugin-presto_query 0.0.3

Fluentd Input plugin to execute Presto query and fetch rows.

7,947 下載

parse-cron-ext 0.2.0

enable to specify "end of the month", "end of the month in March", "Third Monday", and ...

6,868 下載

fluent-plugin-exec_cron 0.0.3

executes external programs with cron syntax.

6,183 下載

qbot 0.1.10

Tiny chatbot flamework.

5,879 下載

總下載次數 4,023,547

這個版本 3,970,348


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