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padrino 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 padrino

engine_of_war 2.0.0

Semi-static site engine.

68,504 下载

lazy-head-gen 0.6.0

lazy-head-gen adds some extra generators to Padrino. Currently they are hard wired to u...

53,143 下载

bootstrap-on 0.0.9

Generates Padrino admin and admin page templates with Twitter Bootstrap integrated.

38,362 下载

activate-admin 0.0.4

An admin gem for Padrino/mongoid

31,411 下载

social_snippet-registry_core 0.0.13

The server-side core classes for social-snippet-registry

29,172 下载

natstrap 0.2.5

A gem to create a new project for Nat. Follows a consistent app template using padrino ...

26,279 下载

sitespec 1.2.1

Generate static site from your rack application & test files

25,207 下载

padrino-jbuilder 0.0.8

Adds the jbuilder templating engine to Padrino

21,493 下载

padrino_bootstrap_forms 0.1.2

Padrino Bootstrap Forms is a port of Seth Vargo's Bootstrap Forms for Rails. It...

17,082 下载

padrino-localization 0.2.0

This gem allows you to localalize your padrino application with ease

16,573 下载

cowsapi 0.1.1

Cowsay API

16,455 下载

social_snippet-registry_views 0.0.9

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

13,958 下载

bolton-cms-padrino 0.2.10

Bolt-on CMS for Padrino

13,517 下载

padrino-form-errors 0.1.0

Validation errors explanation done in good way for Padrino framework.

11,700 下载

padrino-apidoc 0.0.5

A padrino sub-app plugin to generate API documentation for your controllers.

10,980 下载

padrino-relative 0.0.3

Enables relative controller paths in Padrino (for DRYness)

9,418 下载

padrino-views 0.4.1

Padriono Plugin to provide a View layer to Padrino.

8,114 下载

padrino-grape 1.0.0

compatibility module for padrino, to make grape mountable

5,665 下载

padrino-fields 0.3.3

Smart fields for your forms, similar to Formtastic or SimpleForm

4,650 下载

airship 0.0.1

Airship is the Sinatra/Padrino extension.

4,552 下载

universe-webframeworks 0.1.1

gem install universe-webframeworks

4,332 下载

cas_ticket_check_padrino 0.0.10

Gem to check cas ticket

4,015 下载

revise 0.0.1

Authentication, Registrations, Confirmations, Invitations etc for Padrino

4,012 下载

padrino-render-for 0.0.1

DRYer rendering method for Padrino, mainly used for templates for controllers

3,715 下载

padrino-response 0.0.1

Eliminates the repetitive response code in your Padrino controllers

3,709 下载

undergrounder 0.1.0

Simple Implementation of a short path finder for the London Tube

3,634 下载

下载总量 1,384,263

这个版本 31,575



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.3.6
