RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for os Latest version of the following gems require os

googleauth 1.11.0

Implements simple authorization for accessing Google APIs, and provides support for App...

304,860,053 下載

fastlane-plugin-sentry 1.22.0

Upload symbols to Sentry

7,949,114 下載

elftools 1.3.1

A light weight ELF parser. elftools is designed to be a low-level ELF parser. Inspire...

1,403,542 下載

docker-sync 1.0.5

Sync your code live to docker-containers without losing any performance on OSX

1,343,053 下載

webdriver-user-agent 7.9

A helper gem to emulate populate device user agents and resolutions when using webdriver

1,330,968 下載

neo4j 9.6.2

A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.

1,183,866 下載

apparition 0.6.0

Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...

827,267 下載

ruby-egnyte 0.1.6

Ruby client for Egnyte Public API

758,517 下載

paperclip-compression 2.0.0

JPEG and PNG compression for Paperclip gem

605,702 下載

screen-recorder 1.6.0

A Ruby gem to video record and take screenshots of your desktop or specific applicatio...

580,573 下載

neography 1.8.0

A Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API see

532,302 下載

piet-binary 0.2.0


519,147 下載

testcentricity_web 4.5.6

The TestCentricity™ Web core framework for desktop and mobile web browser-based app tes...

481,159 下載

neo4j-rake_tasks 0.7.19

Rake tasks for managing Neo4j Tasks allow for starting, stopping, and configuring

466,550 下載

irbtools 4.0.8

The Irbtools make working with Ruby's IRB console more fun & productive.

465,550 下載

watir-screenshot-stitch 0.8.0

Extends Watir to take stitched-together screenshots of full web pages.

453,020 下載

sane 0.25.8

Helpers for ruby core classes to make life easier-i.e. things that are missing from cor...

397,628 下載

sensu-plugins-hardware 2.0.0

This plugin provides instrumentation for hardware monitor...

396,310 下載

stack_master 2.14.1

StackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...

394,257 下載

oci 2.20.0

Ruby SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Are you a Developer using the OCI SDK? If so,...

384,194 下載

specgen 2.1.2134

Specgen gem tool

375,540 下載

theme-juice 0.28.8

tj helps you create new local WordPress development sites, manage existing sites, and d...

311,906 下載

fastlane-plugin-dynatrace 2.1.0

This action processes and uploads your symbol files to Dynatrace

303,313 下載


Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Framework) is ...

297,303 下載

pwn 0.5.85

275,905 下載

apiotics 0.2.30


272,419 下載

sensible-cinema 0.35.3

an EDL scene-skipper/bleeper that works with DVD's and files and online players like ne...

263,703 下載

gemwarrior 0.15.18

A fun text adventure in the form of a RubyGem!

260,328 下載

activegraph 11.4.0

A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.

245,784 下載


Expand the 'vagrant box' command to support the creation of base boxes from scratch

240,312 下載

總下載次數 278,115,456

這個版本 106,871,387



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
