RubyGems Navigation menu

numo-narrayの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はnumo-narrayを必要としています

informers 0.2.0

State-of-the-art natural language processing for Ruby

2,068,794 ダウンロード数

rumale-core 0.29.0

Rumale::Core provides base classes and utility functions for implementing machine learn...

299,018 ダウンロード数

rumale-clustering 0.29.0

Rumale::Clustering provides cluster analysis algorithms, such as K-Means, Gaussian Mixt...

295,658 ダウンロード数

npy 0.3.0

Save and load NumPy npy and npz files in Ruby

256,355 ダウンロード数

rover-df 0.3.4

Simple, powerful data frames for Ruby

177,690 ダウンロード数

dicom 0.9.8

DICOM is a standard widely used throughout the world to store and transfer medical imag...

168,055 ダウンロード数

rumale 0.29.0

Rumale is a machine learning library in Ruby. Rumale provides machine learning algorith...

164,738 ダウンロード数

ruby-dnn 1.3.0

ruby-dnn is a ruby deep learning library.

154,861 ダウンロード数

disco 0.4.0

Recommendations for Ruby and Rails using collaborative filtering

139,242 ダウンロード数

numpy 0.4.0

Numpy wrapper for Ruby

136,098 ダウンロード数

prophet-rb 0.5.0

Time series forecasting for Ruby

85,707 ダウンロード数

ffi-gdal 1.0.4

FFI wrapper for GDAL/OGR.

54,862 ダウンロード数

lbfgsb 0.5.2

Lbfgsb.rb is a Ruby binding for L-BFGS-B that is a limited-memory algorithm for solving...

50,918 ダウンロード数


GR framework - the graphics library for visualisation - for Ruby

47,826 ダウンロード数

numo-linalg 0.1.7

Ruby/Numo Linear Algebra library with interface to BLAS/LAPACK.

46,812 ダウンロード数

numo-gsl 0.1.2

Numo::GSL development version.

41,907 ダウンロード数

faiss 0.3.1

Efficient similarity search and clustering for Ruby

41,183 ダウンロード数

cumo 0.4.3

Cumo is CUDA aware numerical library whose interface is highly compatible with Ruby Numo.

36,023 ダウンロード数

machine_learning_workbench 0.8.0

This workbench holds a collection of machine learning methods in Ruby. Rather than spec...

33,603 ダウンロード数

numo-liblinear 2.3.0

Numo::Liblinear is a Ruby gem binding to the LIBLINEAR library. LIBLINEAR is one of the...

27,513 ダウンロード数

numo-libsvm 2.2.0

Numo::Libsvm is a Ruby gem binding to the LIBSVM library. LIBSVM is one of the famous l...

25,346 ダウンロード数

gray_scott_gtk3 0.5.8

Reaction diffusion system (Gray-Scott model).

23,223 ダウンロード数

rumale-evaluation_measure 0.29.0

Rumale::EvaluationMeasure provides evaluation measures, such as accuracy, precision, re...

21,663 ダウンロード数

magro 0.6.2

Magro is a minimal image processing library for Ruby. Magro uses Numo::NArray arrays as...

19,913 ダウンロード数

rumale-preprocessing 0.29.0

Rumale::Preprocessing provides preprocessing techniques, such as L2 normalization, stan...

19,160 ダウンロード数

rumale-linear_model 0.29.0

Rumale::LinearModel provides linear model algorithms, such as Logistic Regression, Supp...

18,759 ダウンロード数

rumale-model_selection 0.29.0

Rumale::ModelSelection provides model validation techniques, such as k-fold cross-valid...

18,676 ダウンロード数

rumale-tree 0.29.0

Rumale::Tree provides classifier and regression based on decision tree algorithms with ...

18,648 ダウンロード数

rumale-ensemble 0.29.0

Rumale::Ensemble provides ensemble learning algorithms, such as AdaBoost, Gradient Tree...

18,539 ダウンロード数

rumale-feature_extraction 0.29.0

Rumale::FeatureExtraction provides feature extraction methods, such as TF-IDF and featu...

18,516 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 3,346,237

このバージョンのみ 939,897



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.2
