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mongoid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mongoid

mongoid_tree 0.3.7

Fully featured tree implementation for Mongoid using materialized paths and relative as...

40,222 下載

mongoid_tree 0.3.7

Fully featured tree implementation for Mongoid using materialized paths and relative as...

40,222 下載

cck_forms 3.6.1

Custom field types for Mongoid objects

40,194 下載

sunspot_mongoid 0.4.1

A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.

39,948 下載

lazar 1.2.1

Libraries for lazy structure-activity relationships and read-across.

39,741 下載

mongoid_oslc 0.1.3

Extension for mongoid to parse oslc.where

39,488 下載

cqm-validators 4.0.5

new cqm validator library

39,376 下載

page_parts 0.1.4

Aimbulance CMS

39,373 下載

doorkeeper_sso_client 0.4.10

Provides SSO auth functionality based on Omniauth

38,993 下載

mongoid_migration 0.0.8

ActiveRecord::Migration ported to Mongoid

38,081 下載

publish 0.4.0

Adds the functionality to publish/unpublish mongoid docs

37,852 下載

schnitzelpress 0.2.1

A lean, mean blogging machine for hackers and fools.

37,633 下載

geo-core 0.0.14

Apenas um teste

37,482 下載

dataflow-rb 0.18.1

Helps building data pipelines. It handles recomputing dependencies and parallel execution.

37,449 下載

mongoid_markdown_extension 0.2.1

Custom field type for Mongoid that handles Markdown conversion via Redcarpet gem.

37,440 下載


A library for parsing HQMF documents.

37,321 下載

voterable 0.0.10

Hackish implementaiton of voting on of voteable objects by a voter

37,258 下載

mongoid-sleeping_king_studios 0.7.9

A collection of concerns and extensions to add functionality to Mongoid documents a...

37,241 下載

mongoid_misc 0.0.11

Extensions for Mongoid

37,091 下載


Mongoid / ActiveRecord + RailsAdmin App Settings management

36,695 下載

speedos 0.0.14

Incorporates BrowserMob and Capybara(selenium) to run front-end tests and capture perfo...

36,620 下載

riot-mongoid 2.1.0

A collection of assertion macros for testing Mongoid with Riot

36,138 下載

vidibus-oauth2_server 0.0.9

OAuth2 server for Vidibus user services

36,082 下載

mongoid-archivable 1.7.1

Move Mongoid documents to an archive instead of destroying them.

35,902 下載

streama 0.3.8

Streama is a simple activity stream gem for use with the Mongoid ODM framework

35,676 下載

mongoid-publishable 0.4.0

A mixin for Mongoid document models allowing for publishing them after authentication

35,061 下載

mongoid_listable 0.2.6

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

35,053 下載

helena_administration 1.0.3

Helena Administration is a simple rails application that provides a user interface to m...

34,602 下載

mongoid-forums 1.0.7

Forum engine for Rails 4 and mongoid

34,574 下載

mongoid-eager-loading 0.3.1

eager loading for mongoid

34,508 下載

總下載次數 38,891,137

這個版本 7,091




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.6
