RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para mocha La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mocha

LitleOnline 11.0.0

Vantiv eCommerce Online Ruby SDK created for version 11.0 of Vantiv eCommerce XML forma...

1.938.335 Descargas

watchr 0.7

Modern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest).

1.819.362 Descargas

packwerk-extensions 0.3.0

A collection of extensions for packwerk packages.

1.815.378 Descargas

tire 0.6.2

Tire is a Ruby client for the Elasticsearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...

1.812.770 Descargas

backburner 1.6.1

Beanstalk background job processing made easy

1.801.489 Descargas

subroutine 4.1.0

An interface for creating feature-driven operations.

1.774.504 Descargas

fog-libvirt 0.12.0

This library can be used as a module for 'fog' or as standalone libvirt provider.

1.757.134 Descargas

packable 1.3.18

If you need to do read and write binary data, there is of course

1.724.994 Descargas

newrelic-infinite_tracing 9.11.0

The New Relic Ruby agent requires the gem newrelic_rpm, and it includes distributed tra...

1.683.667 Descargas

gds-api-adapters 96.0.2

A set of adapters providing easy access to the GDS GOV.UK APIs

1.677.460 Descargas

bourne 1.6.0

Extends mocha to allow detailed tracking and querying of stub and mock invocations....

1.636.836 Descargas

barber 0.12.2

Handlebars precompilation

1.625.635 Descargas

methadone 2.0.2

Methadone provides a lot of small but useful features for developing a command-line app...

1.597.113 Descargas

lhm-shopify 4.2.2

Migrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol...

1.589.779 Descargas

mapbox-sdk 2.3.3

Ruby bindings for the Mapbox API

1.568.572 Descargas

twitter_oauth 0.4.94

twitter_oauth is a Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth.

1.520.893 Descargas

cable_ready 5.0.5

Out-of-Band Server Triggered DOM Operations

1.479.669 Descargas

hirb-unicode 0.0.5

Unicode support for hirb

1.455.096 Descargas

easymon 1.6.2

Enables your monitoring infrastructure to easily query the status of...

1.450.022 Descargas

workflow-activerecord 6.0.1

ActiveRecord/Rails Integration for the Workflow library. Workflow is a finite-state-mac...

1.435.605 Descargas

saddler-reporter-support-git 2.0.1

Utilities for Saddler reporter and git repository.

1.412.224 Descargas

send_with_us 4.4.0 Ruby Client

1.393.475 Descargas

krane 3.6.0

A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...

1.379.735 Descargas

legato 0.7.0

Access the Google Analytics Core Reporting and Management APIs with Ruby. Create models...

1.369.029 Descargas

sailthru-client 4.3.0

A simple client library to remotely access the Sailthru REST API.

1.329.863 Descargas

transitions 1.3.0

Lightweight state machine extracted from ActiveModel

1.328.620 Descargas

newrelic_plugin 1.3.1

The New Relic Plugin Gem is used to send plugin data to New Relic from non-application ...

1.317.861 Descargas

prototype-rails 4.0.1

Prototype, Scriptaculous, and RJS for Ruby on Rails

1.276.585 Descargas

carrot 1.2.0

A synchronous version of the ruby amqp client

1.274.464 Descargas

knife-solo 0.7.0

Handles bootstrapping, running chef solo, rsyncing cookbooks etc

1.273.240 Descargas

Total de descargas 63.702.518

Para esta versión 123.099


MIT, BSD-2-Clause

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.1
