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minitar 1.0.2

The minitar library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability to deal with POSIX tar(1) archive files. This is release 0.12. This is likely the last revision before 1.0. minitar (previously called Archive::Tar::Minitar) is based heavily on code originally written by Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier for the rpa-base project.




  1. 1.0.2 August 23, 2024 (33,5 KB)
  2. 1.0.1 August 09, 2024 (33,5 KB)
  3. 1.0.0 August 07, 2024 (33,5 KB)
  4. 0.12.1 August 22, 2024 (33,5 KB)
  5. 0.12 August 06, 2024 (33,5 KB)
Toon alle versies (12 totaal)

Development afhankelijkheden (15):

base64 ~> 0.2
hoe ~> 4.0
hoe-doofus ~> 1.0
hoe-gemspec2 ~> 1.1
hoe-git2 ~> 1.7
hoe-rubygems ~> 1.0
minitest ~> 5.24
rake >= 10.0, < 14
rdoc >= 0.0
simplecov ~> 0.21
standard ~> 1.0


Pushed by:


  • Austin Ziegler

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 48.831.598

Voor deze versie 300.820

Versie vrijgegeven:


Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Required Ruby Version: >= 3.1

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
