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less 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 less

universe-templates 0.1.1

gem install universe-templates

7,883 下载


twitter-bootstrap-ruby project integrates Bootstrap JS, and CSS toolkit for Espresso, a...

6,790 下载

sundawg-sinatra-assetpack-fork 0.1.6

Package your assets for Sinatra.

6,683 下载

moco 0.1.1

MoCo monitors web templates. On updates the templates are compiled and the browser relo...

6,365 下载

winton-sum 0.1.1

A simple budgeting app built on Sinatra

5,985 下载

rake-pipeline-web-filters-fork 0.6.2

A collection of web filters for rake-pipeline

5,611 下载

capcode-render-less 0.1.0

Capcode plugin to render via Less

5,547 下载

custom-twitter-bootstrap-rails 1.4.1

twitter-bootstrap-rails project integrates Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pi...

4,967 下载

hassless 0.0.1

Makes LESS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems by compiling and serving it up for...

4,924 下载

bootstrap-jasny 0.1.12

Ruby library for bootstrap-jasny developed by jasny(

4,485 下载

protractor 0.0.1

Less.js CSS Framework That Picks Up Where Bootstrap Left Off.

4,441 下载

zassets-plugins-less 0.0.1

LESS template engine for zassets.

4,003 下载

sinatra-stagehand 0.1.1

Sinatra with Bootstrap, Bower, jQuery, Haml, LESS and Sprockets!

3,644 下载

tennpipes-su 3.6.6

Super User Application for super users

3,330 下载

locomotivecms_mounter_pull_19 1.5.4

Mount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...

3,248 下载

font-open-sans-rails 0.0.1

Just font

2,647 下载

下载总量 20,242,726

这个版本 16,183,187



Apache 2.0

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
