RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para less La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren less

haml 6.3.0

An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine.

166.279.309 Descargas

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

39.993.655 Descargas

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

39.993.655 Descargas

less-rails 5.0.0

The dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline. Allows other gems to exte...

18.888.262 Descargas

twitter-bootstrap-rails 5.0.0

twitter-bootstrap-rails project integrates Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 7, 6, 5, 4.x...

9.974.425 Descargas

padrino-admin 0.15.3

Admin View for Padrino applications

1.505.018 Descargas

font-awesome-less 4.7.0

Font-Awesome LESS gem for use in Ruby projects

708.556 Descargas

sinatra-support 1.2.2

Sinatra-support includes many helpers for forms, errors and many amazing things.

425.296 Descargas

sproutcore 1.11.0

SproutCore is a platform for building native look-and-feel applications on the web. Th...

414.871 Descargas

sinatra-assetpack 0.3.5

Package your assets for Sinatra.

372.457 Descargas

massimo 0.10.3

Massimo builds HTML, Javascript, and CSS Files from your source.

161.918 Descargas

genghisapp 2.3.11

Genghis is a single-file MongoDB admin app, made entirely out of awesome.

144.713 Descargas

frank 1.0.12

Rapidly develop static sites using any supported templating language

123.513 Descargas

locomotivecms_mounter 1.5.8

Mount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...

113.100 Descargas

zenweb 3.11.1

Zenweb is a set of classes/tools for organizing and formating a website. It is website ...

112.682 Descargas

sensu-dashboard 0.10.4

A web interface for Sensu, a monitoring framework that aims to be simple, malleable, an...

111.389 Descargas

maglove 2.0.11

This gem contains development and built tools for creating MagLoft themes.

105.061 Descargas

iugusdk 1.0.11

SDK for Iugu Platform Applications

104.071 Descargas

hydeweb 0.2.3

Hyde lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, Sa...

97.307 Descargas

rdoc-generator-fivefish 0.4.0

A(nother) HTML(5) generator for RDoc. It uses {Twitter Bootstrap}[http://twitter.githu...

83.572 Descargas


twitter-bootstrap-rails project integrates Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pi...

78.801 Descargas

rack-less 3.0.2

LESS CSS preprocessing for Rack apps.

77.558 Descargas

sprockets-less 0.6.1

The dynamic stylesheet language for the Sprockets asset pipeline.

75.029 Descargas

guard-less 2.0.0

Guard::Less automatically compiles less (like lessc --watch)

67.035 Descargas

mint 0.7.4

Clean, simple library for maintaining and styling documents without a word processor. M...

62.850 Descargas

marv 0.8.2

A toolkit for bootstrapping and developing WordPress themes and plugins using Sass, LES...

58.252 Descargas

slinky 0.8.3

A static file server for rich web apps that automatically compiles SASS, HAML, CoffeeSc...

52.084 Descargas

asset-resource 0.5.0

Manage CSS/JS assets as dynamic resources rather than static files

49.921 Descargas

forge 0.5.0

A toolkit for bootstrapping and developing WordPress themes.

48.739 Descargas

jekyll-less 0.0.4

Convert Less CSS files to standard CSS files as part of your Jekyll build.

43.833 Descargas

Total de descargas 20.241.877

Para esta versión 16.182.376

Versión publicada:


Apache 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
