RubyGems Navigation menu

ipaddress 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ipaddress

ohai 18.1.3

Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON

57,952,507 下載

fog 2.3.0

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

57,544,033 下載

fog-aliyun 0.4.0

As a FOG provider, fog-aliyun support aliyun OSS/ECS. It will support more aliyun servi...

47,538,490 下載

fog-cloudatcost 0.4.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Clo...

19,437,261 下載

fog-digitalocean 0.4.0

DigitalOcean fog provider gem

11,916,018 下載

awspec 1.30.0

RSpec tests for your AWS resources.

2,255,476 下載

forest_liana 9.3.11

Forest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. forest_liana...

1,828,307 下載

opennebula 6.8.3

Libraries needed to talk to OpenNebula

827,864 下載

sensu-plugins-graphite 3.1.1

This plugin provides native Graphite instrumentation for ...

438,529 下載

pwn 0.5.189

329,352 下載

dust-deploy 0.16.6

when puppet and chef suck because you want to be in control and sprinkle just cannot do...

295,042 下載

camaleon_cms 2.7.5

Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...

265,527 下載

ruby-cute 0.24

Ruby library for controlling experiments

255,404 下載

staypuft 0.5.26

OpenStack Foreman Installer Plugin

208,675 下載

validator 0.1.1

ActiveModel validations for domains (including TLDs), ip addresses and email addresses ...

133,615 下載

uv-rays 2.4.7

Opinionated abstractions for Libuv

126,242 下載

cloudstrap 0.51.1.pre

Strapping Boots to Clouds

125,432 下載

hybrid_platforms_conductor 33.9.5

Provides a complete toolset to help DevOps maintain, deploy, monitor and test multiple ...

118,586 下載

knife-azure 4.0.0

A plugin to the Chef Infra knife tool for creating instances on the Microsoft Azure pla...

98,812 下載

biosphere 0.2.19

Terraform's HCL lacks quite many programming features like iterators, true variables, a...

85,313 下載

netbox-client-ruby 0.10.0

A read/write client for Netbox v2.

84,558 下載

yawast 0.7.2

YAWAST is an application meant to simplify initial analysis and information gathering f...

75,424 下載

mongolly 0.3.2

Easy backups for EBS-based MongoDB Databases

71,000 下載

zetabot 2.1.1

Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework

70,287 下載

rig 0.6.7

Cloud provisioning tool built on ruby fog

70,053 下載

repsheet_visualizer 1.1.0

Visualizer for Repsheet

68,205 下載

bandshell 1.7.1

Client-side tools for Concerto digital signage

60,991 下載

fog-bouncer 0.2.7

A simple way to define and manage security groups for AWS with the backing support of fog.

57,601 下載

zergrush 0.0.24

Zerg is a tool for launching an arbitrary number of virtual machines and running a task...

51,572 下載

app42 0.7.0

Client library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on App42PaaS.

49,099 下載

總下載次數 147,454,226

這個版本 127,730,966



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
