inquirer 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 inquirer
capistrano_multiconfig_parallel 2.8.1
CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run mu...
472,846 下载
negroku 2.8.6
Deploy applications right out of the box using nginx, unicorn, bower, rails, etc
164,733 下载
crabfarm 0.7.11
Crabfarm lets you build web scrappers using TDD, it is also very opinionated about ...
138,121 下载
potassium 7.2.0
An application generator from Platanus
66,462 下载
gloo 3.10.1
A scripting languge to keep it all together.
45,983 下载
update_xcode_plugins 0.4.0
This tool adds the missing UUIDs into the installed Xcode plug-ins so that they can be ...
36,303 下载
octo_merge 0.6.0
octo_merge is a simple command line tool to merge GitHub pull requests using different ...
20,754 下载
version-manager 0.1.1
Versioning lib (with Git support)
18,870 下载
keel 0.1.7
This gem lets you deploy your Rails application to your Kubernetes cluster.
13,800 下载
vps 0.3.1
Zero-config deployments of Plug, Phoenix, Rack and Rails apps on a clean Ubuntu server ...
11,909 下载
reuse_xcode_plugins 0.2.3
Write a longer description or delete this line.
11,407 下载
xfabricator 1.1.0
Generate file templates and add them to XCode project...
9,369 下载
chronicler 0.1.3
Version control your (development) databases using Git
8,386 下载
pineapples 0.3.345
Rails app generator based on Suspenders by Thoughtbot and Raygun by Carbon Five modifie...
7,403 下载
rebaser 0.0.2
Rebases all open pull requests on a git repo
5,059 下载
branch_cli 0.7.1
Faster, safer git branching.
4,819 下载
dominosjp 0.2.0
A ruby gem for ordering Domino's Pizza in Japan via CLI 🍕
4,676 下载
sqs-cli 0.1.1
A simple CLI to move messages between SQS queues
4,053 下载
octo-merge 0.7.0.rc2
octo_merge is a simple command line tool to merge GitHub pull requests using different ...
3,565 下载
nsc 0.1.0
angular commits minus stuff
3,038 下载