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crabfarm 0.7.11

Crabfarm lets you build web scrappers using TDD, it is also very opinionated about the way a scrapper should be structured. Scrappers created by crabfarm can be hosted and monitored in the Crabfarm grid infrastructure.

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  1. 0.7.11 - May 17, 2016 (103 KB)
  2. 0.7.9 - February 05, 2016 (103 KB)
  3. 0.7.8 - January 14, 2016 (103 KB)
  4. 0.7.7 - November 11, 2015 (103 KB)
  5. 0.7.6 - November 11, 2015 (103 KB)
Show all versions (55 total)

Runtime Dependencies (11):

activesupport < 5, >= 3.0
childprocess >= 0.5.5, ~> 0.5
git ~> 1.2
gli ~> 2.12
grape ~> 0.10
inquirer ~> 0.2
linedump ~> 0.1
listen ~> 2.7
pry-byebug ~> 3.2
puma >= 2.10.2, ~> 2.10
rainbow ~> 2.0

Development Dependencies (17):

bundler ~> 1.6
fakefs >= 0.6.7, ~> 0.6
guard ~> 2.11
guard-rspec ~> 4.5
jbuilder ~> 2.2
nokogiri >= 1.6.6, ~> 1.6
pdf-reader >= 1.3.3, ~> 1.3
pincers >= 0.7.11, ~> 0.7
pry ~> 0.10
pry-nav ~> 0.2
pry-remote ~> 0.1
rake ~> 10.4
rspec ~> 3.1
rspec-nc ~> 0.2
terminal-notifier-guard >= 1.6.1, ~> 1.6



  • Ignacio Baixas

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 133,979

For this version 3,348



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
