RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para http La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren http

domainr 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the Domainr API

16.390 Descargas

round 0.8.4

Gem is a full-stack Bitcoin API that makes it easy to build powerful blockchain apps wi...

16.153 Descargas

dialog-api 0.0.10

Dialog is a conversational analytics platform. See for deta...

16.076 Descargas

dm_courier 0.1.6

A delivery method that abstract the most common email delivery APIs

15.757 Descargas

krb 0.1.4

CLI tools to interact with a shopify store

15.750 Descargas

meetupevents 0.3

Extracts events, groups, and cities from Meetup

15.740 Descargas

facegroup 0.6.1

Extracts feed, postings, and attachments from FB Groups

15.690 Descargas

protonbot-titler 0.1.8

An URL resolver for ProtonBot. Filters most bots automatically, so no botloops.

15.612 Descargas

flinks 0.5.2

Flinks financial services API client

15.591 Descargas

fipe_api 0.3.4

This application is a ruby client to the Tabela Fipe Api -

15.590 Descargas

pdns-client 0.3.0

Client for PowerDNS REST API.

15.556 Descargas

pwush 0.4.0

Pushwoosh remote API ruby toolkit

15.393 Descargas

hoss-agent 1.0.11

The official Hoss SDK for Ruby

15.272 Descargas

bootpay 1.1.0

결제검증 및 취소 등의 기능 연동을 위한 bootpay ruby 플러그인 입니다.

15.119 Descargas

firefighter 1.3.0

Firebase API Wrapper

15.041 Descargas

seamapi 1.16.1

Official interface to the Seam Connect API.

14.954 Descargas

goliath-rack_proxy 1.1.0

Allows you to use Goliath as a web server for your Rack app, giving you streaming reque...

14.918 Descargas

fuel_surcharge 1.2.3

A simple gem to fetch transporters data every month.

14.904 Descargas

aladtec 0.3.2

Retrieve schedules and events from the Aladtec API. Works with EMS Manager, Fire M...

14.857 Descargas

eureka_ruby 0.0.8

Eureka Ruby SDK

14.842 Descargas

weatai 0.1.7

Extracts temperature and humidity for different city

14.780 Descargas

postmen 1.0.3

Developed for easy integration with Postmen

14.776 Descargas

ll_pay 0.6.2

Helping rubyist integration with lianlian pay(lianlianpay llpay) easier.

14.770 Descargas

comer_de_tapas 0.2.1

Ruby Tapas Episode Downloader.

14.724 Descargas

fluent-plugin-unomaly 0.1.10

Fluentd output plugin for Unomaly

14.691 Descargas

minter 1.0.1

This is a Ruby SDK based on Golang SDK for working with Minter blockchain

14.618 Descargas

polygon 0.10.1

Polygon provides a framework with strong separation of concerns between clients, devel...

14.504 Descargas

etzetera 0.0.6

A etcd Client written in Ruby

14.413 Descargas

pushbots 0.5.2

Ruby Wrapper for PushBots Rest API. Includes push notification methods for single and m...

14.126 Descargas

http-rest_client 0.2.0

A HTTP/REST Client to help you wrap APIs easily.

14.119 Descargas

Total de descargas 135.442.892

Para esta versión 2.409.183



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
