RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para http La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren http

lucid_intercom 0.13.0

Lucid integration for Intercom

25.437 Descargas

commonmeta-ruby 3.13

Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of scholarly metadata from and to diff...

25.396 Descargas

Time_Traveler 0.1.72

Extracts rent informantion from Airbnb

24.909 Descargas

caplinked-api 0.3.6

Ruby SDK for Caplinked's API.

24.842 Descargas

hrw 0.3.9

Hrw helps you to secure your ruby apps.

24.229 Descargas

instapaper 1.0.1

Ruby Client for Instapaper's Full API

24.002 Descargas

celluloid-websocket 0.0.10

Lets you make a websocket rack application using Celluloid.

23.979 Descargas

zesty 0.2.1

A Ruby interface to the API

23.704 Descargas

shrine-flickr 2.0.0

Provides Flickr storage for Shrine.

22.742 Descargas

didww-v3 4.1.0

Ruby client for DIDWW API v3

22.465 Descargas

hyperb 0.7.1

The Ruby Gem

22.368 Descargas

exchange_rates_nbp 0.2.0

Exposes simple API and command line tool for fetching exchange rates from

22.317 Descargas

rss_notifier 0.2.4

Notifies RSS updates via Pushbullet and Email

22.227 Descargas

virginia 0.5.2

Gives an Adhearsion app the ability to be controlled and interact over HTTP

22.202 Descargas

oauth2c 1.3.0

OAuth2c is a extensible OAuth2 client implementation

21.749 Descargas

easemob 0.3.7

Helping rubyist integration with Easemob IM service (环信 - 即时通讯云) easier.

21.678 Descargas


Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3-p1...

21.479 Descargas

bygpay 0.3.1

Ruby Wrapper to process payments via any installed Bygpay Payment Gateway

21.416 Descargas

thecity 0.0.9

A Ruby interface to The City API.

21.274 Descargas

filmbuff 1.0.0

Film Buff provides a Ruby wrapper for IMDb's JSON API, which is the fastest and easiest...

21.248 Descargas

facegroups 0.6.2

Extracts feed, postings, and attachments from FB groups

21.076 Descargas

scoutmetrics 0.1.4

Ruby wrapper for the Scout Metrics API

21.022 Descargas

tgbot 0.4.6

A deadly simple Telegram Bot API wrapper.

20.960 Descargas

gitget 0.6.0

Extracts developer statistics

20.887 Descargas

webmention-verification 6.0.2

Deprecated in favor of webmention from 2022-05-13. Verify a received webmention.

20.780 Descargas

picasaweb-backup 0.5.0

Backup all your photos from Google's Picasa Web Albums service, can be run repeated...

20.659 Descargas

onboardbase 1.2.3

Use Onboardbase in your Ruby projects

20.500 Descargas

silent_bob 0.2.9

Gem that provides ability to send messages through SilentBob service

20.423 Descargas

eml 3.0.0

Connect to the EML payments APIs and Transaction Notification Serices

20.334 Descargas

qismo 0.18.3

Ruby wrapper for Qiscus Omnichannel public API

20.232 Descargas

Total de descargas 134.971.217

Para esta versión 2.310.208



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
