Dependencias inversas para http La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren http
imgshark 0.0.5
sharking about
4.365 Descargas
yookassa 0.2.0
Yookassa API SDK for Ruby
4.361 Descargas
qbittorrent 1.4
QBittorrent WEB API Client.only support qBittorrent v4.1+.
4.343 Descargas
xpensify-sdk 0.0.3
SDK to connect with Xpensify's API
4.333 Descargas
kubeclient-rollback-dev 2.3.1
4.330 Descargas
ahiru 0.1.1
Yet another Ruby gem for DuckDuckGo search
4.327 Descargas
luxafor 0.1.0
API Client for Luxafor Flag
4.325 Descargas
porni 1.0.1
Gem works with,,
4.325 Descargas
swift_sms_gateway 0.0.3
A simple wrapper around Swift Sms Gateway API
4.314 Descargas
reach5 0.1.1
Integrate to the Reach5 Customer Identity Management Platform
4.287 Descargas
rea 0.0.1
Helper to build a mental map of a research topic.
4.233 Descargas
blogspam 0.1.1 client for Ruby and/or Rails
4.228 Descargas
lionshare 0.1.1
A Ruby interface to the Lionshare API.
4.224 Descargas
reco4life 0.1.1
Reco4life提供HTTP API来管理智能插座,封装这些接口
4.215 Descargas
argumenta 0.0.0
Social argument collaboration ~ A Ruby implementation of Argumenta's core library.
4.208 Descargas
argonuts-ruby 0.1.6
Official client library to the Argonuts API (
4.204 Descargas
lib_discord 0.1.3
Unfancy Discord API Ruby-bindings
4.133 Descargas
ipfs-http-client-rb 0.0.2
Ruby HTTP client for the Interplanetary File System
4.125 Descargas
outdated 0.2.0
Safely update your gems
4.064 Descargas
pure_iterator 0.2.0
A flexible way to process records in the Pure Research Information System.
4.057 Descargas
brightcove_service 0.1.1
BrightcoveService Wrapper for Ruby
4.048 Descargas
neonmob 0.0
API client for
4.036 Descargas
yammdesk 0.0.1
Yammer <=> Ticketing System Gem
4.029 Descargas
api2cart-daemon 0.0.1
Anti throttling proxy server for API2Cart requests
4.026 Descargas
openam-user 0.1.0
OpenAM::User Librairie d'accès à OpenAM inférieur à la version 12. Cette librai...
4.019 Descargas
brightcove_cms_api 0.0.2
A simple wrapper around Brightcove's CMS API
4.012 Descargas
embulk-input-spotx 0.2.0
Loads records from Spotx API.
3.988 Descargas
pubg_ruby 0.1.1
A way to communicate with the PUBGTracker API
3.971 Descargas
chronopost_fuel_adjustment_coefficients 0.3.0
A simple gem to ease/automate getting this data every month.
3.912 Descargas
boltless 1.4.4
neo4j driver, via the HTTP API
3.905 Descargas