RubyGems Navigation menu

guard-spork 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 guard-spork

rails_view_helpers 0.0.4

Convenience methods for Rails views

11,395 下載

transient_objects 0.3.0

These objects are non-persistent, and only support persistent objects, controllers or v...

11,177 下載

smithycms-auth 0.4.2

Smithy CMS ships with no authentication. This implements a basic has_secure_password in...

11,117 下載

stair_master 0.1.0

Build complex controller workflows in your Rails app.

10,737 下載


Hyperdex client bindings

10,579 下載

gitolite-rugged 1.2.2

This gem is designed to provide a Ruby interface to the Gitolite Git backend system usi...

10,543 下載

mongo-graph 0.0.3

Undirected graph implementation for Mongoid

10,264 下載

rails-test-toolbox 0.2.0

An opinionated list of helpful testing tools for working with Ruby on Rails.

10,203 下載

activeadmin-cms 0.0.1

Converts ActiveAdmin into a simple CMS

9,875 下載

voluntary_music_metadata_enrichment 0.2.0

Importer, year in reviews, videos, etc. - changes:

9,857 下載

rchoice 0.3.0


9,841 下載

webfeed 0.0.3

Read feeds from all around the world and publish them within your website

9,495 下載

marquise 0.2.0

Ruby bindings for the marquise data-point transport for Vaultaire

9,231 下載

slick_map_css-rails 0.1.2

A stylesheet for displaying site maps directly from HTML unordered list (adapted from h...

8,646 下載

em-hyperdex-client 0.3.2

EventMachine bindings for HyperDex

8,417 下載

voluntary_translation 0.2.0

Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software:

8,266 下載

acts_as_starrable 0.0.2

Add the ability to give star ratings to various models.

7,925 下載

voluntary_survey 0.1.1

Surveys plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary:

7,379 下載


Qu::Delayed is basic sheduler for Qu queue system.

7,372 下載

peaches 0.0.2

A simple fuzzy file finder written in Ruby

7,286 下載

mail_tester 0.0.2

A simple gem to test mail server config

7,270 下載


The Forge CMS dependency gem Ruby 1.9.

7,261 下載

simple_view_helpers 0.0.2

So far, we are excited to offer you the fieldset helper. More to come soon!

7,259 下載

guard-sporkminitest 0.0.2

Guard test files for Spork-owned MiniTest

7,193 下載

mongoid-graph 0.0.5

Undirected graph implementation for Mongoid

7,125 下載

merkle-hash-tree 0.1.1

An RFC6962-compliant implementation of Merkle Hash Trees

6,866 下載


The Forge CMS dependency gem for Ruby 2.0.

6,828 下載

trackit 0.1.1

TrackIt allows you to track attributes changes in your ActiveRecord models

6,773 下載

seed_list 0.1.0

SeedList is designed for Rails-powered tournament engines that need to persist a 1-inde...

6,721 下載

clutterbuck-response 0.0.3

A template gem

6,594 下載

總下載次數 3,194,900

這個版本 1,037,314


Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.3

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.6
