RubyGems Navigation menu

grape 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 grape

grape-attack 0.3.0

A middleware for Grape to add endpoint-specific throttling.

242,205 下载

grape-jwt-authentication 2.3.0

A reusable Grape JWT authentication concern

238,691 下载

contrast-agent 7.6.0

This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...

229,633 下载

grape-cache_control 1.0.1

Cache-Control and Expires helpers for Grape

179,520 下载

mihari 7.6.1

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

169,739 下载

grape-papertrail 0.2.0

Papertrail support for Grape APIs

163,122 下载

grape_devise_token_auth 0.1.4

Allows an existing devise_token_auth/rails project to authenticate a Grape API

142,988 下载

sapience 3.0

Hasslefree autoconfiguration for logging, metrics and exception collection.

136,855 下载

rspec-grape 0.0.4

A set of helpers, which make grape api specs shorter.

134,559 下载

casino 4.1.2

CASino is a simple CAS (Central Authentication Service) server.

132,820 下载

crabfarm 0.7.11

Crabfarm lets you build web scrappers using TDD, it is also very opinionated about ...

131,287 下载

grape-jsonapi 1.0.1

Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with jsonapi-seri...

129,157 下载

gris 0.6.8

Gris is a generator for Grape, Roar, Hypermedia, PG API apps.

128,203 下载

grape-batch 2.3.0

Extends Grape::API to support request batching

126,616 下载

grape-jsonapi-resources 0.0.7

Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with jsonapi-reso...

124,229 下载

grape-app 0.11.3

Standalone Grape API apps

123,585 下载

site_hook 1.0.30

Catch a POST request from a git service push webhook and build a jekyll site.

113,284 下载

ar_http_wrapper 0.2.6

Small wrapper (using httparty, etc.) to provide an interface that mimicks AR main metho...

97,028 下载

grape_fast_jsonapi 0.2.6

Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with fast_jsonapi.

94,362 下载

hashie_rails 0.0.4

Automatic strong parameter detection with Hashie and Rails 4.

88,963 下载

locomotivecms 4.1.1

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

85,253 下载

berkshelf-api 3.0.0

Berkshelf dependency API server

84,859 下载

cellect-server 3.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

79,703 下载

grape-doorkeeper 0.0.2

Gem for auth in grape via doorkeeper.

75,493 下载

hcloud 1.3.0

HetznerCloud native Ruby client

70,318 下载

ruby-swagger 0.1.1

A super simple library to read or create (Swagger)[] API documents. T...

70,113 下载

introspective_grape 0.6.1

IntrospectiveGrape provides handling for deeply nested relations according to the model...

67,274 下载

agile-proxy 0.1.26

An agile, programmable, controllable proxy server for use standalone or as part of an i...

67,235 下载

grape-msgpack 0.2.0

Messagepack formatter for grape

65,349 下载

grape-erb 0.0.1

Use erb in grape

65,171 下载

下载总量 56,750,234

这个版本 2,038,735



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6.0
