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grape 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 grape

active_model_serializers 0.10.14

ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...

91,500,158 下载

doorkeeper 5.7.0

Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape.

66,891,098 下载

grape_logging 1.8.4

This gem provides simple request logging for Grape with just few lines of code you have...

27,450,256 下载

grape-swagger 2.0.3

Add auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger.

22,498,070 下载

grape-path-helpers 2.0.1

Route path helpers for Grape

21,647,223 下载

hashie-forbidden_attributes 0.1.1

Automatic strong parameter detection with Hashie and Forbidden Attributes. Formerly kno...

17,410,153 下载

api-pagination 5.0.0

Link header pagination for Rails and Grape APIs

8,518,209 下载

api-auth 2.5.1

Full HMAC auth implementation for use in your gems and Rails apps.

4,293,346 下载

grape_on_rails_routes 0.3.2

View routes for all Grape API's mounted on Rails

2,458,805 下载

grape-kaminari 0.4.5

kaminari paginator integration for grape API framework

1,845,919 下载

grape-active_model_serializers 1.5.2

Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with active_model...

1,732,582 下载

grape-rabl 0.5.0

Use rabl in grape

1,601,087 下载

kaminari-grape 1.0.1

kaminari-grape connects Kaminari and Grape

1,509,366 下载

doorkeeper-mongodb 5.4.0

Doorkeeper Mongoid ORM extension

1,503,144 下载

grape-route-helpers 2.1.0

Route helpers for Grape

1,122,315 下载

grape-roar 0.4.1

Use Roar with Grape

903,450 下载

grape-middleware-logger 1.12.0

Logging middleware for the Grape framework, similar to what Rails offers

853,380 下载

newrelic-grape 2.1.0

newrelic instrument for grape

838,463 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-grape 0.1.6

Grape instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

813,542 下载

grape-forgery_protection 0.0.2

Protect your Grape API from forgery attacks like Rails.

738,929 下载

wine_bouncer 1.0.4

A Ruby gem that allows Oauth2 protection with Doorkeeper for Grape Api's

719,963 下载

grape-jbuilder 0.2.0

Use Jbuilder in Grape

628,647 下载

grape-rails-cache 0.1.2

HTTP and server side cache integration for Grape and Rails

618,169 下载

grape-cancan 0.1.0

Authorize your Grape API with CanCan

525,520 下载

grape-order 0.1.2

collection ordering by params for grape API framework

438,128 下载

grape-raketasks 0.0.3

Provides rake tasks to ease the development and debugging of Grape APIs.

346,269 下载

grape-instrumentation 0.2.0

OpenTracing instrumentation for Grape

333,881 下载

slack-ruby-bot-server 2.1.1

A Grape API serving a Slack bot to multiple teams.

323,789 下载

rest-ftp-daemon 1.1.1

A pretty simple transfer daemon, controlled with a RESTful API

266,736 下载

rails_performance 1.2.1

3rd party dependency-free solution how to monitor performance of your Rails applications.

265,841 下载

下载总量 56,491,245

这个版本 1,866,440



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6.0
