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Dépendances inversées pour google-protobuf Latest version of the following gems require google-protobuf

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.75.0

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 163 678 Téléchargements

apollo-federation 3.8.5

A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation

2 968 767 Téléchargements

logstash-codec-protobuf 1.3.0

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

2 543 279 Téléchargements

gitlab-pg_query 2.0.4

Parses SQL queries using a copy of the PostgreSQL server query parser

2 305 417 Téléchargements

anycable-core 1.5.0

AnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP...

2 272 004 Téléchargements

google-cloud-common 1.6.0

Common protocol buffer types used by Google Cloud APIs

1 435 627 Téléchargements

rspec-protobuf 0.3.1

RSpec matchers for Protobuf

973 866 Téléchargements

app-info 3.0.0

Teardown tool for ipa/apk files and dSYM file, even support for info.plist and .mobilep...

231 427 Téléchargements

protip 0.38.0

Resources backed by protobuf messages

175 330 Téléchargements

yoti 1.10.0

This gem contains the tools you need to quickly integrate your Ruby back-end with Y...

166 773 Téléchargements

grpc_newrelic_interceptor 0.0.6

An interceptor for using New Relic with gRPC.

164 959 Téléchargements

grpc_access_logging_interceptor 0.0.6

An interceptor for access logging with gRPC.

147 247 Téléchargements

rubypitaya 3.18.0

RubyPitaya is an application to create servers using the pitaya protocol.

136 963 Téléchargements

fmparser 0.1.0

FieldMask parameter parser

134 317 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 255 197 469

Pour cette version 9 393



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7
