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gluttonberg-core 2.5

The Gluttonberg goal has always been to create a Content Management System that's great for users, content manager and developers. The focus of Gluttonberg 2.5 has been two-fold: a refined management user interface to make maintaining your website even easier and a change in the architecture of the system to support our new functionality modules: Events, TV, Mobile and soon eCommerce.




  1. 3.0.2 July 14, 2014 (19,5 MB)
  2. 3.0.1 June 12, 2014 (19,4 MB)
  3. 3.0.0 June 12, 2014 (19,4 MB)
  4. 2.6.4 May 03, 2013 (735 KB)
  5. 2.6.3 May 02, 2013 (735 KB)
  6. 2.5 November 01, 2012 (1,3 MB)
Mostrar todas as versões (18)

Runtime Dependencies (15):

acl9 = 0.12.0
active_link_to = 1.0.0
acts_as_list = 0.1.8
acts_as_tree = 1.1.0
authlogic = 3.1.3
cancan = 1.6.4
delayed_job = 2.1.4
jeditable-rails = 0.1.1
paperclip = 3.3.0
ruby-mp3info = 0.6.14
rubyzip = 0.9.9
texticle = 2.0.3
will_paginate = 3.0.3

Development Dependencies (1):

rspec-rails = 2.0.1



  • Nick Crowther, Abdul Rauf, Luke Sutton, Yuri Tomanek

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 55.600

Desta versão 3.289

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: Nenhum
