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githubbub 1.0.0

What you're looking for is over on GitHub, bub! This little gem will build an "auto-forwarder" gem that you can upload to RubyForge. The auto-forwarder, when installed, will automatically install your gem from the GitHub gem repository. Obviously this implies that you need a GitHub account and a project that is configured to automatically build gems. GitHub-Bub relies on the presence of .gemspec file in the current directory. All the information about your gem is gleaned from this file. The only information you need to provide is your GitHub username. You still need to have a project and package on RubyForge for the gem publishing to work properly. Enjoy!

= Copier Copié!



  1. 1.0.0 - April 01, 2009* (14 ko)

Dépendances de Runtime (1):

rubyforge >= 1.0.2

Dépendances de Development (1):

bones >= 2.4.2



  • Tim Pease

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

= Copier Copié!

Total de téléchargements 5 032

Pour cette version 5 031



Version de Ruby requise: None
