RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para github_changelog_generator La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren github_changelog_generator

fog-aws 3.23.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...

130.252.340 Descargas

rubyntlm 0.6.5

Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.

60.056.992 Descargas

ruby-graphviz 1.2.5

Ruby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in...

45.961.488 Descargas

brpoplpush-redis_script 0.1.3

Bring your own LUA scripts into redis.

10.157.306 Descargas

app_store_connect 0.38.0

A Ruby interface to the App Store Connect API

8.183.187 Descargas

airborne 0.3.7

RSpec driven API testing framework

7.771.859 Descargas

jasmine-rails 0.15.0

Provides a Jasmine Spec Runner that plays nicely with Rails 3.2 assets and sets up jasm...

4.293.523 Descargas

nexpose 7.3.0

This gem provides a Ruby API to the Nexpose vulnerability management product by Rapid7.

2.842.219 Descargas

active-fedora 14.0.1

ActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Archit...

1.844.926 Descargas

csvlint 1.4.0

CSV Validator

1.343.741 Descargas

modis 4.2.0

ActiveModel + Redis

1.263.847 Descargas

playbook_ui 13.30.0

Playbook UI is built out in Ruby View Components and React Components. Playbook takes a...

1.013.186 Descargas

phraseapp-in-context-editor-ruby 3.1.1

Phrase In-Context-Editor allows you to edit translations directly on the website. More ...

807.571 Descargas

riemann-tools 1.10.0

Collection of utilities which submit events to Riemann,

671.073 Descargas

sensu-extensions-occurrences 1.2.0

The Sensu Core built-in occurrences filter

637.985 Descargas

graphql_devise 1.5.0

GraphQL queries and mutations on top of devise_token_auth

376.124 Descargas

puppetdb-ruby 1.2.0

Simple Ruby client library for PuppetDB API

364.521 Descargas

ldp 1.2.0

Linked Data Platform client library

343.007 Descargas

hydra-file_characterization 1.2.0

To provide a wrapper for file characterization

313.629 Descargas

ams_lazy_relationships 0.4.0

ActiveModel Serializers addon for eliminating N+1 queries problem from the serializers.

282.124 Descargas

maestrano-connector-rails 2.3.6

Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://sme.maes...

233.812 Descargas

chef-provisioning-vsphere 2.3.1

Provisioner for creating vSphere VM instances in Chef Provisioning.

214.780 Descargas

flowcommerce_spree 0.0.22

Integration of popular Rails/Spree store framework with e-commerce Flow API

212.955 Descargas

erp_integration 0.48.0

Connects Mejuri with third-party ERP vendors

211.548 Descargas

generate-puppetfile 1.1.0

Generate a Puppetfile for use with r10k based on an existing file or a list of modules.

209.549 Descargas

dispatch-rider 2.2.0

Messaging system based on the reactor pattern. You can publish messages to a queue...

200.098 Descargas

danger-reek 0.3.0

A Danger plugin to lint Ruby files through Reek.

187.242 Descargas

bixby 5.0.2

A Style Configuration for RuboCop

170.972 Descargas

danger-rails_best_practices 0.1.3

A Danger plugin to lint Ruby files through rails_best_practices.

126.244 Descargas

git_reflow 0.9.9

Git Reflow manages your git workflow.

124.987 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.209.002

Para esta versión 949.351



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
