RubyGems Navigation menu

fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar

yasuri 3.3.2

Yasuri (鑢) is a library for declarative web scraping and a command line tool for scrapi...

43,424 下載

resto 0.1.5

Restful Web Service

41,976 下載

bencodr 3.0.2

This gem provides a way to encode and decode bencode used by the Bit Torrent protocol. ...

40,588 下載

blackbox 4.0.4

Various little helpers

39,665 下載

cache_key_for 0.1.11

How to design a perfect cache key? This project's goal is to provide a bulletproof solu...

39,620 下載

phtools 0.18.0

A bundle of small CLI tools for arranging, renaming, tagging of the photo and video fil...

39,539 下載

motion_blender 0.4.0

MotionBlender loads ruby gems for RubyMotion

39,041 下載

linodeapi 2.0.3

Wraps the Linode API with multiple levels of interaction

38,947 下載

vzaar_api 2.0.2

A Ruby gem for the vzaar API v2

38,711 下載

sdl-ng 0.1.7

Next Generation Service Description Language

38,583 下載

delayed_job_honeybadger 0.0.4

Notifies Honeybadger of errors in Delayed Job workers.

38,124 下載

greenwich 2.0.4

Store all of your times in the database as UTC but want to give your users the ability ...

37,874 下載

mongoid-sleeping_king_studios 0.7.9

A collection of concerns and extensions to add functionality to Mongoid documents a...

37,614 下載

config_curator 1.0.0

Simple and intelligent configuration file management.

37,603 下載

command-runner 0.9.3

Runs a command or two in the shell with arguments that can be interpolated with the i...

37,517 下載

glimr-api-client 0.3.2

Easy integration with the glimr case management system

36,942 下載

speedflow-plugin-test 0.3.3

A Speedflow plugin to help to test flows.

36,341 下載

yaoc 0.0.14

Yet another object converter

36,316 下載

magicspec 0.0.14

A test framework using watir-webdriver rspec and page-object

36,278 下載

days 0.2.0

Simple blog system built up with Sinatra.

35,844 下載

howzit 2.1.16

Command line project documentation and task runner

35,673 下載

oneacct-export 0.5.0

Exporting OpenNebula accounting data.

35,321 下載

micro_q 0.9.6

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

35,241 下載

eris 0.0.10

Eris is a gem to help test driving webOS Enyo application development

34,320 下載

activerecord_to_poro 0.0.9

Convert ActiveRecord objects to plain old ruby objects and vice versa

33,643 下載

easy_time 1.0.1

A class that wraps the Time class and makes it easy to work with most known time values...

33,626 下載

jwt_keeper 6.1.3

A managing interface layer for handling the creation and validation of JWTs

33,606 下載

campfire_export 0.3.0

Export transcripts and uploaded files from your 37signals' Campfire account.

33,546 下載

cabinet 0.2.2

Cabinet is a wrapper for fog to add a simplified way of handling files, both in the clo...

33,527 下載

dsl 0.2.3

Easily create DSLs for use within your projects!

33,480 下載

總下載次數 61,436,602

這個版本 14,387,224




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
