RubyGems Navigation menu

fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar

togglify 0.1.0

A Rubygem that allows you to easily enable/disable parts of your ruby code.

6,908 下載

use_the_forcible 0.0.2

Easy Accessors for ActiveModel Objects

6,886 下載

downager 0.1.2

Work in progress

6,829 下載

sslackey 0.6.1

Checks a certificate via ocsp or crl to see if it has been revoked

6,824 下載

hollywood 1.0.0

Simple pub/sub callback mixin.

6,785 下載

redis_connector 0.0.2

handles multiple redis connections

6,686 下載

search_path 0.0.2

Allows to define search paths to find files in.

6,681 下載

auto_set 1.2.1

Automatically update a column from a relationship

6,676 下載

rstuk 0.0.2

Common library for kiwi_spec and studio_spec

6,554 下載

campminder 1.0.1

A Ruby wrapper for CampMinder Web API.

6,551 下載

psp-toolchain 0.0.2

An open-source toolchain for PSP homebrew development built in Ruby.

6,542 下載

magic_carpet 0.6.0

MagicCarpet renders any view with stub data from your front-end test suite (ie. jasmine...

6,483 下載

shitceptions 1.0.1

Shitceptions - a gem for making exceptions more fun!

6,392 下載

sleeping_king_studios-ext 0.2.0

A collection of extensions to core classes, gemified to prevent a maintenance night...

6,360 下載

wewoo 0.1.7

Manage your graph databases with Ruby

6,183 下載

circular 0.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6,131 下載

makenew-ruby_gem 2.0.1

Ruby gem skeleton.

6,082 下載

skebby 0.0.2

A Ruby client for the Skebby SMS API.

6,057 下載

snapsearch-client-ruby 1.0.0

Ruby HTTP Client Middleware Libraries for SnapSearch. Search engine optimisation for si...

5,832 下載

taskit 0.0.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5,826 下載

rp-emr 1.0.4

Framework for launching EMR job flows

5,775 下載

showlog 0.0.2

Show development logs

5,743 下載

mocker 0.0.1

Get a random existing place name, based on a list of weird name places around the world

5,728 下載


Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...

5,639 下載

coolsms-client 0.1.1

Send sms messages via the coolsms api

5,628 下載

knife-count 1.0.0

A knife plugin to quickly display the number of nodes in a Chef search query.

5,619 下載

shibbolite 1.1.0

Simple access control for Shibboleth/Rails environments

5,608 下載

para_dice 0.6.1

A Toolbox to help me build a board game.

5,584 下載

rswim 2.2.0

RSwim is a Ruby implementation of the SWIM gossip protocol, a mechanism for discovering...

5,517 下載

human_detector 1.0.0.rc2

HumanDetector is a friendly logic captcha for Rails the doesn't require any external sy...

5,480 下載

總下載次數 61,890,275

這個版本 14,533,435




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
