RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for dry-schema Latest version of the following gems require dry-schema

dry-validation 1.10.0

Validation library

59,345,089 下載

reek 6.3.0

Reek is a tool that examines Ruby classes, modules and methods and reports any code sme...

26,078,535 下載

dry-rails 0.7.0

dry-rails provides the official integration of dry-rb gems with Ruby on Rails framework.

441,382 下載

gemsmith 21.6.0

A command line interface for smithing Ruby gems.

260,310 下載

mihari 7.6.1

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

169,056 下載

tocer 17.3.0

A command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents.

143,060 下載

event_store_client 3.2.0

Easy to use client for event-sources applications written in ruby

134,308 下載

milestoner 17.6.0

A command line interface for managing Git repository milestones.

130,701 下載

git-lint 7.3.0

A command line interface for linting Git commits.

107,806 下載

pragmater 14.4.0

A command line interface for managing pragma comments.

100,502 下載

ledger_sync 2.6.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

92,294 下載

sublime_text_kit 16.3.0

A command line interface for managing Sublime Text metadata.

89,884 下載

remap 2.2.53

Re:map; an expressive and feature-rich data transformation mapper for Ruby 3. It gives ...

80,952 下載

rubysmith 6.6.0

A command line interface for smithing Ruby projects.

51,043 下載

performify 1.0.2

Performify helps you to define your app logic in separated and isolated ...

44,371 下載

web_pipe 0.16.0

Rack application builder through a pipe of operations on an immutable struct.

31,085 下載

djin 0.11.7

djin is a make-like utility for docker containers

30,039 下載

zatca 1.1.0

A library for generating QR Codes for the e-invoice standard by ZATCA in Saudi Arabia.

24,223 下載

rb-konfig 0.1.8

Konfig is a Kubernetes friendly Rails configuration gem

23,312 下載

cbra_contracts 0.5.2b

DSL to delcare your Rails component contracts

22,943 下載

sinatra-dry_param 0.0.4

Define your params schema with the strong library dry-schema.

21,840 下載

hydra-keycloak-client 0.1.19

Keycloak client for SSO

21,659 下載

kapellmeister 0.9.7

Contains third party routes parser

16,812 下載

pedicel 1.2.0

Decryption of Apple Pay payment tokens

15,727 下載

heavy_keeper 0.1.4

Gem which implements HeavyKeeper algorithm

15,686 下載

dry-transaction-extra 0.1.1

Dry::Transaction comes with a limited set of steps. This gem defines a few more steps...

13,464 下載

sealink-param-validation 0.4.0

Simple validation of params with a concern

13,279 下載

hanamismith 0.34.0

A command line interface for smithing Hanami projects.

11,002 下載

luo 0.2.7


9,885 下載

distributed-press-api-client 0.4.2

An API client for Distributed Press (

9,561 下載

總下載次數 50,323,812

這個版本 3,401,644



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
