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documentcloud-cloud-crowd 0.2.3

The crowd, suddenly there where there was nothing before, is a mysterious and universal phenomenon. A few people may have been standing together -- five, ten or twelve, nor more; nothing has been announced, nothing is expected. Suddenly everywhere is black with people and more come streaming from all sides as though streets had only one direction.




  1. 0.2.3 August 11, 2014 (176 KB)
  2. 0.2.2 August 11, 2014 (176 KB)
  3. 0.2.1 August 11, 2014 (175 KB)
  4. 0.2.0 August 11, 2014 (172 KB)
  5. 0.1.1 August 11, 2014 (169 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (12)

Runtime Dependencies (6):

activerecord >= 2.3.3
json >= 1.1.7
rest-client >= 1.0.3
right_aws >= 1.10.0
sinatra >= 0.9.4
thin >= 1.2.4

Development Dependencies (5):

faker >= 0.3.1
mocha >= 0.9.7
rack-test >= 0.4.1
thoughtbot-shoulda >= 2.10.2


  • Jeremy Ashkenas

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 33.842

Desta versão 3.667

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: >= 0
