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dm-postgres-adapter 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 dm-postgres-adapter

ncs_mdes_warehouse 0.14.0

Scripts and models for building and maintaining the MDES-based reporting warehouse for ...

93,364 下载

dm-postgres-types 0.0.6

Adds support for native PostgreSQL datatypes, including JSON, HSTORE, and Array to Data...

81,003 下载

dm-postgis 2.0.1

Adds DMGeometry type to DataMapper that uses GeoRuby for (de)serializing Geometry types...

38,788 下载

dm-is-reflective 1.3.2

DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...

35,184 下载

ircbot 0.2.2

An irc bot framework that offers easy-to-use by plugins

29,215 下载

sinatra_omniauth 1.3.0

This Sinatra extension, derived from omniauth_pure by Marcus Proske, adds OmniAuth auth...

28,580 下载

mason-server 0.0.5

builds things

24,142 下载

torquebox-stompbox 0.3.3

StompBox - Git-based deployment console for TorqueBox

19,313 下载

dm-pg-json 0.2.1

Adds support for the JSON datatype (available in PostgreSQL 9.3+) to DataMapper

15,083 下载

yogo-project 0.5.1

User configurable data layer for Yogo

14,683 下载

flexquery_datastore 0.1.4

This gem is for the DataStore product offered by FlexQuery ( It prov...

11,708 下载

yogo-db 0.5.0

Restful interface to yogo data components

11,335 下载

accounts 0.0.1

Accounts::Server defines the following paths for your web-app: * POST '/logon' * POST ...

10,528 下载

dm-hstore 0.0.3

Provides a new HStore property type.

10,397 下载

dm-pg-types 0.8.2

DataMapper plugin providing HSTORE and ARRAY datatype support for postgres

10,359 下载

dm-pg-types 0.8.2

DataMapper plugin providing HSTORE and ARRAY datatype support for postgres

10,359 下载

ptj 0.1.1

An easy way to collect and analyze data about password databases.

7,362 下载

ptj 0.1.1

An easy way to collect and analyze data about password databases.

7,362 下载

tentd 0.0.1

Tent Protocol server reference implementation

5,296 下载

tent-status 0.0.1

Tent app for 140 character posts. Uses Sinatra/Sprockets + CoffeeScript

4,238 下载

classless_mud 0.0.1

Run your own server

3,403 下载

staticd 0.0.1

Staticd API and HTTP service to manage and serve staticd content over HTTP

3,147 下载

下载总量 1,069,395

这个版本 990,596


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