RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para diffy La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren diffy

geojson-diff 0.0.1

GeoJSON Diff takes two GeoJSON files representing the same geometry (or geometries) at ...

3.701 Descargas

gem-bootstrap 0.1.4

CLI for bootstrapping new Ruby gem projects.

3.680 Descargas

diffyc32 0.1.1

Diffy with colour on the command-line.

3.653 Descargas

ipscriptables 0.0.1

Ruby-driven IPTables

3.605 Descargas

knife-spork-berks 1.3.2

A workflow plugin to help many devs work with the same chef repo/server. Includes fixes...

3.512 Descargas

fluentd-v1-checker 0.0.1

Command to check Fluentd configuration files are valid as v1 configuration, or to check...

3.487 Descargas

rspec-json_helpers 1.0.0

RSpec helpers for working with JSON values.

3.441 Descargas

okdoki_sql_ladder 0.2.0

A gem that uses the i_dig_sql gem to generate SQL strings. You can it an instance a...

3.412 Descargas

rspec-http_helpers 1.0.1

RSpec helpers for matching HTTP requests and responses.

3.377 Descargas

secateurs 0.1.0

Secateurs is a tool to manage Elasticsearch Index Template.

3.164 Descargas

acmaker 0.1.0

Acmaker is a tool to manage AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). It defines the state of ACM ...

3.128 Descargas

paramsync 0.1.1

Syncs content from the filesystem to the aws parameter store. Derived from constancy f...

3.106 Descargas

cloudformation-ruby-dsl-addedvars 1.2.4

Ruby DSL library that provides a wrapper around the CloudFormation.

2.894 Descargas

cir 0.1

Simple tool to manage various configuration files in repository

2.592 Descargas

period_opinionator 0.1.0


2.561 Descargas

apipie-diff 0.1

Diff tool for ApiPie documentation

2.525 Descargas

gcp-api-discovery-watcher 0.0.1


2.396 Descargas

catlass 0.1.0

Cloud Automation as Code with Cloud Automator (

2.377 Descargas

stacker-yaml 0.1.0

Stacker helps you assemple and manage CloudFormation stacks and dependencies.

2.348 Descargas

s3_master 0.1.0

s3_master aims to provide a git-based workflow for managing policy documents on legacy ...

2.274 Descargas

daimyo 0.0.2

It is a tool to edit Markdown format file in local environment

2.136 Descargas

koch 0.1.7

Koch automates machine setup by providing a library of helper functions.

799 Descargas

ruby-styles 0.1.0

Gem containing the rubocop.yml config that corresponds to the implementation of the sty...

427 Descargas

avo-diff_field 0.0.1

Diff field for Avo.

131 Descargas

Total de descargas 62.476.257

Para esta versión 20.621.537



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
