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delayed_job_active_record 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 delayed_job_active_record

kit_cms 2.3.22

Kit is DSC's Community and Content Management System (CCMS) built as a Rails engine for...

44,103 下载

q 0.0.1

A universal interface for Ruby queueing backends.

43,119 下载


Manages the delivery of mailable items. Handles contacts, mailing lists, bounces, unsub...

39,105 下载

orchestrated 0.0.14

a workflow orchestration framework running on delayed_job and active_record

39,009 下载

flexite 0.0.25

Database driven web-app settings

38,331 下载

activeadmin_jobs 0.5.2

It's a Rails engine that allows you to play nice with Active Job in Active Admin provid...

38,328 下载

oxen_job 0.4.13

Provides interfaces to DelayedJob via the ActiveJob

37,152 下载


The Forge CMS dependency gem.

34,419 下载

daily 0.0.10

Reporting application

34,220 下载


Part of MokshaCms, providing core functionality, including internationalization

31,270 下载

buffered_job 0.5.0

Buffering jobs for a certain period and invoke specific method if two or more similer j...

30,795 下载

alchemy_crm 2.0.5

A fully featured CRM / Newsletter and Mailings Module for Alchemy CMS. Building and sen...

30,086 下载

status_cat 5.2.1

This engine makes monitoring the status of your Rails environment easier. It provi...

30,040 下载

fogged 0.0.13

Fogged provides helpers to use Fog resources more easily within Rails

29,274 下载

taverna-player 0.11.0

Taverna Player is a Ruby on Rails plugin to run Taverna Workflows using Taverna Server....

29,136 下载

card-mod-delayed_job 0.16.0

Background processing with Delayed Job

29,107 下载

qe 0.4.0

A simple interface over several background job libraries like Resque, Sidekiq and Delay...

28,317 下载

redis_monitor 0.3.3

Get general information of a running redis instance

27,833 下载

docsplit_images 0.2.1

Split Images for your document in one line of code

26,254 下载

atreides 2.0.5

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

24,272 下载

delayed_job_loner 0.1.1

Gem that adds the ability to prevent duplicate delayed jobs from being created.

24,012 下载

cmor_system 0.0.60.pre

Cmor System Module.

22,548 下载

spree_recurring_order 2.2.2

Add the option to create a recurring order

22,353 下载

shopqi-app-webhook 0.1.6

ShopQi app webhook engine.

20,772 下载

delayed_job_unique_key 0.1.0

Gem based on delayed job with active record and allows to prevent creating new job if a...

20,158 下载

destroy_soon 0.0.6

Delayed destroy ActiveRecord model

20,045 下载

delayed_job_ui 0.0.6

A UI wrapper for DelayedJob

19,312 下载

devise-async-stretch 0.0.7

Uncompromised security for your user's passwords. Move password stretching into a backg...

18,285 下载

tracked_job 0.1.0

Adds the ability to track backgrounds jobs. Currently only for delayed_job.

17,259 下载

delayed_job_master 3.1.0

A simple delayed_job master process to control multiple workers

15,481 下载

下载总量 43,284,065

这个版本 1,181,708



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
