RubyGems Navigation menu

deep_merge 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 deep_merge

restful_serializer 0.1.5

This library is used to decorate ActiveRecord with methods to assist in generating Rest...

19,819 下載

shipwire 2.0.0

Provides a wrapper for API calls to Shipwire

19,760 下載

stall 0.3.5

Rails e-commerce framework

19,353 下載

jenncad 1.0.0.pre.alpha22


19,313 下載

rzo 0.8.0

Rizzo (rzo) is a tool for working with Vagrant and layered Puppet control repos

19,140 下載

kitchen-scalr 0.2.7

A Test Kitchen Driver for Scalr

18,752 下載

tint 1.0.0

Easily define object decorators for JSON APIs using simple declarative syntax

17,952 下載

onering-agent 0.4.4

Onering agent

17,848 下載


Mediawiki Bot framework

17,841 下載

svcdeps_tasks 0.1.9

RSpec tests for service dependencies

16,347 下載

universal-git-client 2.1.0

Use this gem to normalize git providers api responses

16,062 下載

sugarjar 1.1.2

A git/github helper script

15,882 下載

choria-colt 0.8.0

Colt eases the Bolt tasks run through Choria

15,430 下載

eventbrite-api 0.0.4

Integrate with Eventbrite API

14,783 下載

schema_based_api 2.2.3

Ruby on Rails REST APIs built by convention using the DB schema as the foundation.

14,780 下載

enwrite 0.2.5

Enwrite allows you to generate a website from content stored in Evernote.

14,614 下載

eddieroger-rwikibot 2.0.6

A Ruby framework for creating MediaWiki robots.

14,115 下載

switch-cli 0.0.8

Switch helps you add multiple languages to your site by leveraging the power of google ...

13,844 下載

factor-connector-chef 0.0.7 Connector for Chef

13,725 下載

abide-data-processor 1.1.1

Provides functions that help with extracting out information from Hiera file.

13,498 下載

natour 0.12.0

natour provides an application and a library to document nature activities.

13,446 下載

rake-tasks-docker-setup 0.1.0

Docker setup tasks for Rake

12,924 下載

static-bartender 0.0.4

Build static websites smartly

12,431 下載

freshdesk_api 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at http://freshdes...

12,217 下載

codger 0.0.3

Manages invocation of code generators.

12,005 下載

rake-remote_chef 0.0.4

Execute chef-solo with Rake::RemoteTask to remote host.

11,796 下載

copperegg-alerts 0.1.1

Set and remove alert silencing schedules aka maintenance windows

11,564 下載

dynamodb-streams-client 0.0.4

DynamoDB Streams client.

11,461 下載

modern 0.5.0

The OpenAPI-driven web framework for Ruby.

11,437 下載

quaker 0.3.3

Extend docker-compose by adding support to: - include files - run services (and...

11,437 下載

總下載次數 81,888,035

這個版本 36,489,876




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
