RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour confstruct Latest version of the following gems require confstruct

umlaut 4.1.7

For Libraries, a just-in-time last-mile service aggregator, taking OpenURL input

146 485 Téléchargements

dor-workflow-service 2.12.0

Enables Ruby manipulation of the DOR Workflow Service via its REST API

99 473 Téléchargements

bento_search 1.7.0

An abstraction/normalization layer for querying and displaying results for external sea...

93 089 Téléchargements

gemirro 1.6.0

Create your own gems mirror.

92 996 Téléchargements

rgeoserver 0.10.1

GeoServer REST API Ruby library

74 948 Téléchargements

harvestdor-indexer 2.5.0

Harvest DOR object metadata by the item or collection, plus code framework to write Sol...

44 824 Téléchargements

rda 0.4.1

Rda(Rails Development Assist) is combined with lots of useful commands which can help y...

42 504 Téléchargements

digital_opera 0.0.16

Tools and utilities for helping out in developing Ruby applications

30 358 Téléchargements

harvestdor 0.3.2

Harvest DOR object metadata from a Stanford public purl page

25 666 Téléchargements

rightnow_oms 0.1.6

A common mountable engine can be used to manage the orders.

22 706 Téléchargements

workflow-archiver 3.0.0

Can be used standalone or used as a library

18 953 Téléchargements

gem-mirror 0.0.4

Gem for easily creating your own RubyGems mirror.

14 771 Téléchargements

kinetic 0.0.5

A powerful yet simple AMQP worker framework

14 409 Téléchargements

geohydra 0.3.3

Geospatial MetaData ToolKit for use in a GeoHydra head

9 591 Téléchargements


vmit makes easy to maintain and run virtual machines.

6 596 Téléchargements

gem_mirror 0.1.0

gem-mirror is a tool for creating and managing a private mirror of RubyGems. It is also...

5 976 Téléchargements

dcm4chee 0.1.0

Providing RESTful APIs for dcm4chee.

4 420 Téléchargements

steward 0.0.0

Steward is a standalone web service for communicating to cloud services

4 200 Téléchargements

geoloader 0.1.0

Load GeoTIFFs and Shapefiles to Geoserver, Geonetwork, and Solr.

3 708 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 408 702

Pour cette version 25 310

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
