RubyGems Navigation menu

configliere 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 configliere

wukong 4.0.0

Treat your dataset like a: * stream of lines when it's efficient to process by l...

484,635 下載

capistrano_multiconfig_parallel 2.8.1

CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run mu...

472,478 下載

gorillib 0.6.0

Gorillib: infochimps lightweight subset of ruby convenience methods

279,136 下載

rubix 0.5.14

Rubix provides abstractions for connecting to Zabbix's API, an ORM for wrapping Zabbix ...

126,295 下載

el_vfs_client 0.4.5

Description of ElVfsClient.

98,335 下載

vayacondios-client 0.3.2

Simple enough to use in a shell script, performant enough to use everywhere. Dios mío! ...

96,013 下載


Description of OpenteamCommons.

94,761 下載

chimps 0.3.6

Chimps allows you to easily make API calls against Infochimps web services. Chimps's R...

86,828 下載

graphiterb 0.2.13

Uses and

77,864 下載

vayacondios-server 0.3.2

Simple enough to use in a shell script, performant enough to use everywhere. Dios mío! ...

77,256 下載

sso_client 0.4.4

Client gem for connecting to SSO server (

62,837 下載

dyndoc-ruby-core 1.5.7

Provide templating in text document.

62,769 下載

tusur_header 0.2.17

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

57,789 下載

addons-client 0.0.10

Addons Platform API client

56,863 下載

sso-auth 0.1.4

Description of SsoAuth.

43,851 下載

cluster_chef 3.0.14

cluster_chef allows you to orchestrate not just systems but clusters of machines. It in...

36,066 下載

cluster_chef-knife 3.0.14

cluster_chef-knife allows you to orchestrate not just systems but clusters of machines....

35,812 下載

icss 0.3.2

Infochimps Simple Schema library: an avro-compatible data description standard. ICSS co...

32,295 下載

hackboxen 0.1.5

A simple framework to assist in standardizing the data-munging input/output process.

26,900 下載

rappa 0.0.9

Easy and simple way to package up your rack based application into a .rap (Ruby Applica...

24,907 下載

genomer 0.1.0

Turns scaffolded contigs and annotations into a genome.

24,160 下載

elasticshell 0.0.7

Elasticshell provides a command-line shell 'es' for connecting to and querying an Elast...

21,650 下載

swineherd 0.0.6

Swineherd is for running scripts and workflows on filesystems.

18,177 下載

scaffolder-tools 0.1.3

Binary to use with scaffolder genome scaffolds

14,368 下載

dpn-bagit 0.3.3

An implementation of the DPN Bagit spec.

13,956 下載

chimps-cli 0.0.3

Chimps CLI provides the command-line program 'chimps' which allows you to easily make A...

13,267 下載

aifactory-commons 0.1.3 commons gem

12,875 下載

xway 0.0.3.beta

Appway client.

11,268 下載

auth_client 0.0.3

Auth Client

10,404 下載

reverie 1.0.4

A ruby script to update Dreamhost DNS

10,285 下載

總下載次數 774,588

這個版本 139,457



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