RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour certifi Latest version of the following gems require certifi

nps_sdk 1.3.0

Ruby SDK for NPS Services

373 267 Téléchargements

pullreview-coverage 0.0.5

Collect coverage information generated by simplecov and send them to

249 002 Téléchargements

apimatic_core 0.3.13

The APIMatic Core libraries provide a stable runtime that powers all the functionality ...

232 036 Téléchargements

apimatic_faraday_client_adapter 0.1.4

Faraday is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. This repository contains the client imp...

225 062 Téléchargements

messagemedia_messages_sdk 3.0.0

The MessageMedia Messages API provides a number of endpoints for building powerful two-...

207 699 Téléchargements

nehm 2.2.3

nehm is a console tool, which downloads, sets IDv3 tags (and adds to your iTunes librar...

84 599 Téléchargements

automation-test 1.25

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC - townhall demo

23 842 Téléchargements

gonebusy-ruby-client 0.1.3

This is a Ruby client for communicating with the full GoneBusy API

23 306 Téléchargements

test-pack-1 1.0.2

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

16 318 Téléchargements

hjnewapideploymenttest 1.1.66

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

13 705 Téléchargements

apimatic-ci-cd-test 1.0.24

API for sending and managing payments

13 212 Téléchargements

fangkuai.rb 0.0.7


9 250 Téléchargements

mundi_api 0.13.7

Mundipagg API

6 913 Téléchargements

tangocard-raas 2.2.1

With this RESTful API you can integrate a global reward or incentive program into your ...

6 236 Téléchargements

commerce 1.0.1

Commerce.js is a full-stack eCommerce API built by Chec for designers and developers. S...

5 580 Téléchargements

messagemedia_webhooks_sdk 1.0.2

The MessageMedia Webhooks allows you to subscribe to one or several events and when one...

4 926 Téléchargements

messagemedia_signingkeys_sdk 1.1.0

The MessageMedia Signature Key API provides a number of endpoints for managing key use...

4 283 Téléchargements

pepipost_gem 5.0.0

Pepipost is a cloud-based SMTP relay service that delivers highly personalised transact...

3 885 Téléchargements

md-notes-resource 2.0

API for Markdown Notes app.

3 851 Téléchargements

messagemedia_lookups_sdk 1.0.1

The MessageMedia Lookups API provides a number of endpoints for validating the phone nu...

3 661 Téléchargements

shayancalculatortest 1.0.3

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

3 466 Téléchargements

hjnewtestthingy 1.1.0

Testing various api features

3 349 Téléchargements

rafay_calculator_test 1.0.6

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC. For package publishing testing only.

3 194 Téléchargements

batesterwithcustomparamdemov1 1.2.6


3 102 Téléchargements

message_media_conversations 1.0.2

The Conversations API allows users to communicate by sending and receiving messages via...

3 070 Téléchargements

telstra_messaging_api_demo_1 2.2.4

The Telstra SMS Messaging API allows your applications to send and receive SMS text mes...

2 761 Téléchargements

apimatic_calculator 1.0.0

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

2 688 Téléchargements

BATester 1.1.0


2 648 Téléchargements

sandcage 0.2.1

Ruby library to access SandCage's API services.

2 620 Téléchargements

apimaticcalculatortest1 1.0.0

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

2 610 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 5 471 622

Pour cette version 3 767 344

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
