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capistrano 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capistrano


Capistrano recipes for setting up and deploying to a Ubuntu Machine

53,553 下載

capistrano-conditional 0.2.3

Allows making tasks for git-based projects conditional based on the specific files to b...

53,535 下載

instance_selector 0.3.0

Retrieve cloud instance DNS names from metadata search

53,436 下載

cap-strap 0.1.5

Bootstrap a machine. Install packages, create a deploy user, upload authorized keys and...

53,418 下載

shiplane_bootstrappers_chef 0.2.28

Converts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image ...

53,379 下載

shiplane_deployers_capistrano_docker 0.2.28

Converts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image ...

53,184 下載

capistrano-cowboy 0.1.2

capistrano-cowboy let's you deploy without having to commit to version control. While d...

53,037 下載

capistrano-compose 0.0.23

Composer support for Capistrano 3.x

53,027 下載

capistrano-detect-migrations 0.6.3

Capistrano Detect Migrations lets you detect pending Rails migrations before you deploy...

52,800 下載

capistrano-graphite 1.0.8

This gem plugs into the deploy task in capistrano to help provide visibility into when ...

52,220 下載

capistrano-asdf 1.1.1

ASDF integration for Capistrano

52,176 下載

panter-rails-deploy 1.4.1

Capistrano setup for Panter Rails Hosting

51,638 下載

capistrano-deploy-strategy-archive 0.1.2

Provides an :archive deploy strategy for Capistrano. It takes an existing, pre-built ar...

51,091 下載

capistrano_recipes 1.4.2

Capistrano recipes to make your deployments fast and easy

50,618 下載

akitaonrails-locarails 1.2.0

A maneira mais simples para instalar aplicacoes Rails na hospedagem Linux da Locaweb.

50,313 下載

capistrano-benchmark 0.0.4

Benchchmark cpaistrano-tasks like whoa

50,088 下載

capistrano3-autoscaling-deploy 1.6

Get all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling EC2 Tag and depoy.

50,054 下載

capistrano-multistage 0.0.4

Capistrano multistage extensions

49,702 下載

capistrano-simpledeploy 0.1.14

An extension to handle single version deploys for Capistrano 3.x

49,541 下載

porter 1.2.4

Capistrano and Rake tasks for cloning production and/or staging databases and assets to...

49,487 下載

railsmachine 1.0.6

The Rails Machine task library

49,091 下載

tdd_deploy 0.1.13

Test driven support for host provisioning & Capistrano deployment - for those who don't...

48,853 下載

capistrano-cul 0.1.7

Common capistrano tasks shared across projects at CUL

48,701 下載

capistrano-lazy_cleanup 0.3.0

This gem makes deployment faster by offloading cleanup I/O for Capistrano 3.x (and 3.x ...

48,476 下載

youthtree-capistrano 0.3.1

Capistrano tasks used for common Youth Tree deployments.

48,324 下載

phase 1.0.2

A simple way to manage cloud instances within a multi-subnet network, like an AWS VPC.

48,073 下載

deployinator 0.1.9

Deploy Ruby on Rails using Capistrano and Docker

48,014 下載

capistrano-php-fpm 2.1.1

Executes PHP-FPM service tasks like zap or restart from Capistrano

47,931 下載

capistrano-elobuff 0.2.7

Capistrano recipes we use at ELOBUFF

47,739 下載

wslave 0.3.9

Word Slave includes the wslave command and a control library to generate a "best practi...

47,431 下載

總下載次數 73,680,567

這個版本 2,313



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0
