capistrano-rvm 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capistrano-rvm
magic_recipes_two 0.0.95
MagicRecipesTwo contains our most used deployment recipes for Capistrano-3.
220,349 下載
prun-ops 0.3.4
Encapsulates Operations commands for Rails Applications: Deploy, Diagnose, Monitoring, ...
103,899 下載
pvcglue 0.9.6
PVC_Glue description
88,283 下載
openteam-capistrano 1.0.18
OpenTeam common capistrano3 recipe
81,896 下載
avst-cloud 0.1.42
Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers
75,892 下載
madscience 0.0.29
Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes Vagrant, Chef...
72,967 下載
vpsb 1.1.8
From instalation server and configure to deploy
48,147 下載
beerify 0.2.0
The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!
18,141 下載
locum-best-practices 0.4.5
Contains deploy configuration
15,943 下載
dcs-best-practices 0.0.5
Contains deploy configuration
9,639 下載
capistrano-jelastic 0.1.2
Deploying rails apps on Jelastic server in an easy way. This gem is an integration for ...
8,340 下載
new_artrails_capistrano 0.0.2
This gem is a viable alternative to Git deployments on production machines. Commands ar...
4,121 下載