capistrano-bundler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 capistrano-bundler
capistrano-rails 1.7.0
Rails specific Capistrano tasks
34,205,288 下载
capistrano-sidekiq 3.0.0
Sidekiq integration for Capistrano
8,589,180 下载
capistrano3-puma 6.0.0
Puma integration for Capistrano 3
6,979,647 下载
magic_recipes_two 0.0.95
MagicRecipesTwo contains our most used deployment recipes for Capistrano-3.
220,255 下载
negroku 2.8.6
Deploy applications right out of the box using nginx, unicorn, bower, rails, etc
164,733 下载
capistrano-bundle_audit 0.4.0
Audit a project's gem dependencies before deployment
140,200 下载
capistrano-foreman 1.4.0
Capistrano tasks for foreman and upstart/systemd.
113,205 下载
pvcglue 0.9.6
PVC_Glue description
88,201 下载
caploy 2.0.0
capistrano deployment helpling
82,233 下载
capun 0.0.37
Opinionated Rails deployment solution with CAPistrano, Unicorn and Nginx. It helps to m...
81,989 下载
madscience 0.0.29
Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes Vagrant, Chef...
72,939 下载
h2ocube_rails_development 0.7.1
Just a collection for development gems
71,405 下载
deploy_mate 0.26.3
This is how we deploy around here.
67,072 下载
panter-rails-deploy 1.4.1
Capistrano setup for Panter Rails Hosting
53,319 下载
capistrano3-autoscaling-deploy 1.6
Get all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling EC2 Tag and depoy.
51,461 下载
vpsb 1.1.8
From instalation server and configure to deploy
48,147 下载
capistrano-devops 0.0.15
46,769 下载
webflow_cap 0.3.2
Deploy Rails apps
38,108 下载
capistrano-karafka 1.4.4
Karafka integration for Capistrano
36,242 下载
capistrano-cluster 0.0.18
Setup tasks and role additions for capistrano
25,466 下载
capistrano-twingly 4.2.1
Capistrano 3 tasks used for Twingly's Ruby deployment
23,127 下载
capistrano-rpm 1.0.0
Publish deployment notifications to New Relic
22,652 下载
family_gallery 0.0.8
A picture gallery supporting tagging, groups and much more.
21,497 下载
beerify 0.2.0
The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!
18,141 下载
silvermind_deployment 0.0.9
Simplified Deployment using Capistrano, Unicorn and Eye
17,599 下载
capistrano-rdws 0.0.5
This gem is a bundle of capistrano 3 recipes used for RDWS projects
16,122 下载
capistrano-sunspot 1.0.0
Capistrano task for sunspot
14,566 下载
capistrano-pinned_releases 1.4.0
Capistrano extension to pin and unpin releases. Pinned releases don't get deleted durin...
14,077 下载
capistrano-uberspace 1.1.2
uberspace support for your rails app for Capistrano 3.x
13,888 下载
capistrano-deploy-recipes 0.1.5
Capistrano fullstack deploy recipes
10,084 下载