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calabash 2.0.0.prelegacy2

Calabash is a Behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for Android and iOS. It supports both native and hybrid app testing. It is developed and maintained by Xamarin and is released under the Eclipse Public License.

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  1. 2.0.0.prelegacy4 - March 08, 2016 (2,2 Mo)
  2. 2.0.0.prelegacy3 - March 08, 2016 (2,2 Mo)
  3. 2.0.0.prelegacy2 - March 08, 2016 (2,2 Mo)
  4. 2.0.0.prelegacy - March 08, 2016 (2,2 Mo)
  5. 2.0.0.pre11 - November 21, 2016 (3,67 Mo)
Voir toutes les versions (20)

Dépendances de Runtime (11):

bundler < 2.0, >= 1.3.0
clipboard >= 0
edn < 2.0, >= 1.0.6
escape < 1.0, >= 0.0.4
geocoder < 2.0, >= 1.1.8
httpclient ~> 2.6
json >= 0
luffa >= 0
rubyzip ~> 1.1
run_loop < 3.0, >= 2.0.2

Dépendances de Development (11):

growl >= 0
pry >= 0
pry-nav >= 0
rake >= 0
redcarpet ~> 3.1
rspec ~> 3.0
stub_env >= 0
travis >= 0
yard ~> 0.8



  • Jonas Maturana Larsen, Karl Krukow, Tobias Røikjer, Joshua Moody

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

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Total de téléchargements 61 244

Pour cette version 1 968



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0

Required Rubygems Version: > 1.3.1
